idk about every, but they are in more than you'd think.. we even have them in my state, which i about poo'ed my pants when i found that out.. but i think they are more in the pine barrens, not some where where i hang out frequently, thank god..i think rattlers r found in about every state arent they???
Well? Did you put it's leash on and take it for a walk?? What happened man! The suspense it killing me!!!i live on 5 acres and the only time ive seen one living in the sacramento area for 12 years is when one CLIMBED THE FUCKING STAIRS to get on the porch and was outside the door like i called it to put its leash on.
My dad cooked one and 'Had' us all taste it when I was a kid, cross between trout and chicken.Damn!
They're definately quite abundant in my area...
I went shooting with my friend up in the mountains a couple weeks ago...
Long story short... 6ft grilled and fried ratlesnake, Delish!
thats a mean ass lookin snake I had one that stayed at the same spot the second time I seen him there I threw a rock on him and he hasn't been back sinceHe was. Seen him in the same spot for the last couple of years now. At least I think it's the same one.The Mojave's are the really pissed of ones and they pack a huge punch.