Anyone quit their job to grow full time?


Well-Known Member
and lets face it, if you cant figure out all the research yourself on what you need and where to get it then you are obviously lacking in experience. a better way to start would be to set up a small closet grow like 400w and see what you can do. dont quit your job, it may suck but a steady pay check does not.
Wise words


Well-Known Member
For whoever said that if you do this for money you are doing it for the wrong reasons:

"A genius is a man who is paid to do something he would gladly do for free."
Getting paid, and wanting to buy Jet airplanes and lambos are two different things my friend.


Well-Known Member
i wasn't getting rich but i wasn't worried about paying bills. i was running a 1000hps and a 400mh with a hand full of $10 box fans using miracle gro soil and fertilizers. maybe a $1000 to start?


Well-Known Member
Shit everytime i wake up in the mornin i say to myself im gonna quit me job and grow full time but i could nt c myself doin it !!
Its not that i could nt do it but could nt b sittin at home and being a reclusive paro skitso full time i need to b doin somethin a little more phisical and keeping my brain going lol!!


Active Member
I quit my job to grow weed but i smoked up all my profits,now i stand on freeway offramps with a ''need money for bud'' sign....


Active Member
Thats what I have been trying to get across, after all your supplies, operating capital for 3 months along with the all the legal requirements it adds up really quick. Not to mention the learning curve and loss on top of that. It doesn't matter how you break it down some people will never understand.

In Colorado you are one of 4 things.

1. Card Holder that allows you up to ( x ) many plants for your use.
2. Grow OP
3. Wholesaler
4. Dispensary

The later of the 3 under Colorado law require you to go through the license and registration process. Do you have to no that is your call, do what you want but if the time comes your very screwed.
i definitely have been mulling it over lately. move to a state where its legal...and just do something i enjoy. still working for the man atm though, gotta have backup.


Well-Known Member
Well I wouldn't quit my job. that gives me something to look forward too in the day, a routine more or so with the occupation I'm in now. I say get something setup with some spare cash from your job and keep your job for atleast another year if you really want to quit.

If you are going to do something, do it right, 600w hps(add more when needed), space, seed/clones, ventilation, nutes, medium, etc. all that cost money, and more money to maintain. Like so many other's said before I wouldn't dive head first into something I dont know much of. You have a job and that's more than alot of America can say. The weed can just be supplemental income, that no-one has to know about.

Best of luck


Active Member
as far as the IRS goes, they let you send them taxes on illegal revenues.

but the OP asked about becoming a full time grower, not a dispensary owner in colorado.
Dude really wikipedia is your source, now I know what I am dealing with.

IT IS NOT ILLEGAL INCOME WHEN YOU GROW LEGALY. Yes the IRS does get tax dollars off of marijuana sells as well as the State.

Also if you read something other than wikipedia you might find things out.
the OP asked about becoming a full time grower, not a dispensary owner in colorado
Exactly, a grow op not a dispensary. In Colorado you can be licensed to be a Grow Op, Wholesaler, or Dispensary and these are totaly different than being a card holder.


Well-Known Member
This start up capital everyone talks about HAS to include rent + bills + sundries into it, not just the equipment cost. Your usual bills don't just dissapear and it's 3 months minimum till a possible pay day.


Active Member
I have a 600W closet grow. I guess with a couple, three of those I could turn out 1/lb every month and make mebbe $36k a year? But I would need four or five times that to justify the serious leqal and security risks I'd be taking. Running an illegal grow just for a little extra cash seems like a crazy idea to me.

I've always thought it a questionable idea to take something you love and turn it into a job. I grow what I want, when I want to. I can pick strains without regard to yield or commercial value. Just whatever I damn please. I'm just saying that no matter how much fun something is, doing it as a job can make it a chore.


Well-Known Member
I have a 600W closet grow. I guess with a couple, three of those I could turn out 1/lb every month and make mebbe $36k a year? But I would need four or five times that to justify the serious leqal and security risks I'd be taking. Running an illegal grow just for a little extra cash seems like a crazy idea to me.

I've always thought it a questionable idea to take something you love and turn it into a job. I grow what I want, when I want to. I can pick strains without regard to yield or commercial value. Just whatever I damn please. I'm just saying that no matter how much fun something is, doing it as a job can make it a chore.
I suppose it depends on your own personal views, I do this full time and it ain't a chore, I am seriuosly passionate about it and I have my time to myself, no hobby is out of reach now......well besides motor yachts and Cristal in Majorca LoL.


Active Member
This start up capital everyone talks about HAS to include rent + bills + sundries into it, not just the equipment cost. Your usual bills don't just dissapear and it's 3 months minimum till a possible pay day.​
Exactly, but I'm a fucking idiot.


Active Member
I suppose it depends on your own personal views, I do this full time and it ain't a chore, I am seriuosly passionate about it and I have my time to myself, no hobby is out of reach now......well besides motor yachts and Cristal in Majorca LoL.
Yes, it does work for some people. It's just something to think about before jumping in.

If you don't mind saying, what sort of weight do you produce in a year?


Active Member
Hi all,

I have learned a lot reading this thread and I too have really true to get myself to quit my job and go full time with my grow. I have a garage as you all say that is currently producing a pound a month at the most (it's just a hobby for now), but I have plenty of cash to get much much larger if needed (like 10k). I'm fairly certain I could live of just the grow (no I won't be rich but I don't really care to live the rich life. I would rather have my time doing what I love than lots of money), but I have one major problem that doesn't seem to be an issue for you guys. How do you keep the irs/gov off your back without a legit job? i feel like they would get on to you if you aren't paying any taxes but you are living just fine.

