Well-Known Member
Yeah wtf they don't just hand out blue ribbonsWhat's wrong with PBR? you can't day drink vodka and eat Adderall and judge other things.
Yeah wtf they don't just hand out blue ribbonsWhat's wrong with PBR? you can't day drink vodka and eat Adderall and judge other things.
I figured youd recognize him lolThe legend of Ronnie mac the legend
All his videos give me that lurch in your stomach feeling he lands so fucking weird and squids off like no ones businessI figured youd recognize him lol
Hey! I take Adderall I'm prescribed two 30 mg pills a day but I don't take them like I'm supposed to. I go with days without it to keep my tolerance down but like if I take it the first time after a break, I will take it like three or four days straight but after that it makes me sick. Every time I take it it will make me sleepy like actively makes me sleepy almost like Tylenol PM, then it makes me puke in my stomach full upset. I think it has something to do with the fact that it turns your system acidic because I know to intensify adderall, you just drink water mixed with a fourth teaspoon of baking soda to basify your stomach. And citric acid is supposed to lessen the effect of the drug.. but the getting sick and puking only happens to me after I've been on it a few days in a row or I don't eat before I take it. I used to be able to take it on an empty stomach but for some reason now I have to eat and again I think that is because my stomach's pH is probably more acidic after taking Adderall a few days in a row.I personally think Adderall's a good drug. If you disagree, that's perfectly fine, a lot of people do. On 60 mg right now, doin' good.
Anyway, my girlfriend had only taken Adderall once and claimed it made her puke. My friend and I were sure it wasn't the Adderall that made her puke and we convinced her that one 30 would probably be fun. I took 60mg, my girlfriend took 30, and my other friend took 150 (he's a bit stupid about things like this). About an hour or so after dosing, my girlfriend pulled over the car and started puking.
I ended up having to drive from then on and make stops every 5 or 10 minutes for my girlfriend to puke. We took the Adderall about 3 and a half hours ago, and my girlfriend is now sleeping on my bed and appears fine.
But this has me thinking - does Adderall make anyone else puke? I've done it once on a bad comedown, but it's certainly not something that happens often. Anyone got any idea what was going on? She's been taking Zoloft daily for like 10 years, and I think it might be a part of it. She's been trying to quit the Zoloft recently, but hasn't yet been able to. Quitting always gives her withdrawals and bad moods.
Another interesting bit - my girlfriend is also prescribed Vyvanse for ADD (a disease which isn't real, by the way) and never has a bad reaction with it. She rarely takes the Vyvanse, though, as she doesn't particularly like it. I just find it weird that she can take a dose of 100 mg Vyvanse and feel fine, but 30 of Adderall makes her puke and it has both times she's done it. Any thoughts?
One last question (sorry for the neverending post, I'm sure a lot of you know how speeding is, too) - does anyone have any good information on what percent of the population has been diagnosed with SOME sort of disease or disorder? Or on ADD and/or disorders and medications in general. I'm trying to write a quick thing on my computer explaining the reasons why ADD isn't real; any info might help me out.
Lol thread got revived. How you been brother? And ya that post was dead on. Ronnie mac airs real real weird. Sketchy as fuck lolAll his videos give me that lurch in your stomach feeling he lands so fucking weird and squids off like no ones business
Iv seen people puke form it haha, i did that shit and was up for 4 days with no sleep, haha after that i was cool, probably wont do it again, its lame as fuc
Hes not around anymore.. too much Adderall fried his brainShit that will fry your brain... Last time i did 5 day rnr with speed molly alc and shrooms it took me months to recover.. Not sleeping literary eats your brain...
So you joined a weed site to post this?Getting sick from Adderall? YES!!! OMG. I was taking the best ADD Rx on the market: Desoxyn. However, limited manufacturing drove the price up to $1400 for a 30 day supply. I had to switch to Adderall, 20mg 2x/day. I filled my Rx at Walgreens for about 9 months. No issues. Eventually I moved and started filling my Rx at Giant Pharmacy. IMMEDIATELY I noticed the meds were causing my stomach acids to boil over. Acid reflux, vomiting, loss of appetite, etc...
Generic drugs may contain the same active ingredients, however, the inactive ingredients and fillers differ greatly. Too many companies make their own generic versions of Adderall. An Rx company in India doesn’t follow the same quality standards as in the U.S. I suggest asking the pharmacist which generic version they have. It matters!!!
A large number of people who take ADD medication don’t have ADD. That doesn’t mean ADD isn’t real.
There’s something about meth etc. that simply builds community.
Hey! I take Adderall I'm prescribed two 30 mg pills a day but I don't take them like I'm supposed to. I go with days without it to keep my tolerance down but like if I take it the first time after a break, I will take it like three or four days straight but after that it makes me sick. Every time I take it it will make me sleepy like actively makes me sleepy almost like Tylenol PM, then it makes me puke in my stomach full upset. I think it has something to do with the fact that it turns your system acidic because I know to intensify adderall, you just drink water mixed with a fourth teaspoon of baking soda to basify your stomach. And citric acid is supposed to lessen the effect of the drug.. but the getting sick and puking only happens to me after I've been on it a few days in a row or I don't eat before I take it. I used to be able to take it on an empty stomach but for some reason now I have to eat and again I think that is because my stomach's pH is probably more acidic after taking Adderall a few days in a row.
speed is fun and all when youre lazy BUT WEED IS THE ONLY DRUG I REALLY NEED!!!! ---- and my subs..