Anyone out there also...?


Well-Known Member
also quitting smoking cigarettes. today I went through my first full day without a smoke in 9 years! My problem is everytime I blaze i need a smoke, it just goes down so addicted to them aftersesh's. anyone have tips / advice to keep myself going strong. cause im really tempted to go drive down to the store right now...but then agen im doing anything I can not to get smokes in my hands...just gotta make it over the 3 day hump...hopefully.


420th post!! woo blunt timeee:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Look this up if you dont belive me.............your urge or addiction for Nicotine last 4 days....if you make it 4 days without smokeing then what you are doing is breaking a habit..............thats the hard part........I quit 1 year and 1 month ago after doing 4 packs a day....I went cold turkey........but in my case the doctor told me I had Im doing it to stay alive......great motovation for me.......................for you just think if you can make it 5 months your lungs will be nearly 80% of what they were......its tough and patches and gum and sucking on candy wont have to sit down and say I QUIT and why you are quitting.........


Well-Known Member
i quit for almost a year...then some shit happened in my life and i just needed a smoke...i'll quit again one day. what worked for me was candy and toothpicks, whenever i wanted a smoke i just ate a sucker or chewed on a toothpick until i didnt want a cigarette took about 2 weeks before the urge to smoke stopped...different things work for different people..

i read a stop smoking support thread somewhere on here a while back, you may want to check it out.


Well-Known Member
hate to even mention her but my ex wife was hard core smoker and she quit by useing the prescribed far as I know she still not you say differant strokes.....but a support group I think will help most ppl.


Well-Known Member
my brothers father in law took...chantix?...i think thats the quit smoking drug...anyway, they made in severely depressed so he had to quit those.

my aunt (dumb bitch) got pregnant and couldn't quit smoking...she was on the fucking patch AND smoking during the whole pregnancy...


Well-Known Member
Look this up if you dont belive me.............your urge or addiction for Nicotine last 4 days....if you make it 4 days without smokeing then what you are doing is breaking a habit..............thats the hard part........I quit 1 year and 1 month ago after doing 4 packs a day....I went cold turkey........but in my case the doctor told me I had Im doing it to stay alive......great motovation for me.......................for you just think if you can make it 5 months your lungs will be nearly 80% of what they were......its tough and patches and gum and sucking on candy wont have to sit down and say I QUIT and why you are quitting.........
thanks for the input man. im really motivated to make it past the 4th day. what i find helps me is i just smoke weed everytime i feel like a smoke. lol. atleast weed isnt that bad for the lungs.


Well-Known Member
if you really want to clear up lungs you might think about a vaporizer.........thats what I do.........I still puff time to time but majority is vapeing through my Silver Surfer.


Active Member
So I've recently cut down 90 percent of what i smoked for 10 years. I never smoked a whole lot and avg 10 cigs a day for those 10years with the occassional pack a day on the weekends. It never really progressed... anyway you sound like you want to quit and thats the main part. I used cough drops to get through the first few weeks. Well to be honest i smoked so many in cancun this past spring break that i came back and couldn't even talk cuz my throat hurt. Prob a combination of coke/cigs and alcohol and my immune system getting low. I didn't have an urge to smoke for the first week. Mainly slept. Then i still had the cough drops left even though my throat stopped hurting. I think i went 1 month w/o smoking but my gf smokes and all her friends do to. So to be honest i still smoke about 10 cigs a week when we all go out but i don't get the urge to smoke the next day.

Also I started running and that helped because i really found out how out of shape i was and mainly from the cigs.

One day i will wean the last little bit of cigs out that i smoke, by forcing/helping my chick stop smoking.

Goodluck and stay strong.


Active Member
its a tough battle but totally worth it in the end.after smoking for 17 years,
i quit nearly 3 years ago and was the best thing i ever did.
on a downside i did pile the weight on and got upto 105kg.
now i just gotta get rid of that lol.


Well-Known Member
I quit about 1 1/2 years ago and it sucked. Had smoked for 23 years. This state offered free gum or patches and I found I liked the gum after trying both methods several times. Ultimately, wanting to quit is the only thing that will help you.


Well-Known Member
over 3 years ago i bought a volcano and quit the cigs and spliffs, best thing i ever did and the volcano made it easy


Well-Known Member
I quit on New Years day this year so got about 29 days in so far had one about a week ago and it was disgusting nope I think I am done with it.