anyone one know what causes this in leaves.!.!>!.!>


Active Member
whats up farmers anyone help me out in determining whats causing my plants to do this. im growing in soil using GH for nutrients and I water with a ph between 5.8-6.5 I just don't know what the issue could be any help would be great



Well-Known Member
I would prolly guess...

It is the genetics that are doing it. That it, if everything else is within parameters, of course.


Active Member
well I have been growing the same strain witch is a white widow from seed and over the past year ive usualy ran a ph of 7.0 and have ran into a few problems come mid flower with deficiencies so I figured this grow I would switch it up and run a little lower so far they have been just fine only issue was in late veg stage with a cal mag issue but I was able to overcome that and Moshkino I do have one box fan I keep at high speed at the bottom of the canopy to help with fungus knats I never though a fan could cause issues like that..


Well-Known Member
I've had some plants look like that it was a PH issue, I got it right and it looks fine now, but mine didn't have like the cuts in them


well I have been growing the same strain witch is a white widow from seed and over the past year ive usualy ran a ph of 7.0 and have ran into a few problems come mid flower with deficiencies so I figured this grow I would switch it up and run a little lower so far they have been just fine only issue was in late veg stage with a cal mag issue but I was able to overcome that and Moshkino I do have one box fan I keep at high speed at the bottom of the canopy to help with fungus knats I never though a fan could cause issues like that..
I got wind burn running two box fans on high, a friend of mine told me to try use mostly oscilating fans the constant blowing can cause the leaves to rub eachother/ drys the leaves up quick fast. I use box fans above the canopy blowing it toward the lights to help cool and circulate the air.


Active Member
I've had some plants look like that it was a PH issue, I got it right and it looks fine now, but mine didn't have like the cuts in them
yea I was thinking that same thing maybe like a ph fluctuation but I water very consistent so idk I could be watering a litte to low guess I will try and slowly up my ph untile im around 6.8 but its kinda hard to water every time with the same exact ph