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karma only means "action". Like produces like. How to break the cycle is what the Buddha taught. Next time there is an opportunity to produce an action that one knows will be harmful to self, harmful to others or tharmful to both self and others, don't do it. Repeatedly following this, creates a different mental habituation so that eventually one is not affected when one steal his grow, and also does not consider retaliation. We have no idea how much harmful action we have produced in the past, so even while it seems we get more than our fair share of shit, we never receive what we have not set up the perfect conditions for. When the fruit of karma ripens it can be great or awful - karma doesn't mean negative action.I agree with you up to karma. 1. How do you not know that karma is repaying you now? 2. How do we know if karma is equitable? 3.What if karma is just a vicious cycle? 4.If so can karma be broken? 5. does karma backwards mean your a mark?