Anyone know what's going on here ? Brown spots on leaves


I'm having a hard time diagnosing this. I think it's rust spot fungus but I'm not sure. On my last grow this shit spread over most of the plants and got bad to the point leaves were pretty much all brown and dead on a few of my girls. My temps are 16-26c and humidity is between 30-70%, soil is ph 7. In the picture of the underside of the leaf you can see an outline round the spot, think I might have read somewhere that was a sign of rust ? I've sprayed them with neem oil at this point 5ml/l twice over the last 8 days. Last grow it seemed like the neem oil stopped the brown patches spreading. Anyway any help with this one would be most appreciated as I'm stuck.



cheers dude I think you've helped me solve one issue. There are elsewhere on the leaves what look like little chew holes and they definitely look like what pictures I've seen with a thripe problem.

I think the brown spots are a different issue tho. Dunno if you can see but on the edges of the leaf on the 3rd picture it looks like thripe damage? But the brown spots nearer the stem I think are a different issue :/ maybe I dunno.