Anyone know what this is


Well-Known Member
damamge from a leaf miner (i think) probabaly not a big deal if its just a couple leaves but if it seems to start getting worse i would treat.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
leaf miner! remove leaves with the miners on them and dispose of in the trash can or burn them if possible. the leaf miners burrow between the upper and
lower leaf surfaces which makes them hard to control. best control is not to let them spread. GL


Well-Known Member
I would try to give my opinion, but cann. would just call me unreliable
how does this earn you anything but contempt? ...this just proves you are part of whatever problem you seem to be having with 'cann', whoever that is. would be far better served if you learned to ignore the critics, ...whining about them only gives them ammunition and proves them at least partially right.



Well-Known Member
The plant looks like it has plenty of leaves from your picture. I would say better than letting them spread. How many nodes to you have? 5 main fans might not be an issue if you have secondary leaves developed


Well-Known Member
Just do it in one day or they will continue to spread over your plant...which is where neem oil would come in if they're reoccuring