Anyone know what this is? DWC plants just look sickly.


Active Member
Plants were doing great for 3 weeks, I checked them yesterday and BAM, they're all sick looking. I kind of saw it coming, because the roots were getting a little yellow. I thought they might need nutrients, so I added a little, just so my ppm was at 400ish.

I'm using a 18 gallon rubbermaid DWC with 3 airstones, a 30-60 gallon air pump, keeping the pH between 5.8 and 6.3. I suspect my pH meter may be inaccurate, even though it is calibrated to 7 every month. Temperature is in the mid 70s all the time but I can't humidity in my tent any higher than 20%, even with a damn humidifier in there.

I use Advanced Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom. I have other additives but I've only used a little bit of Humic Acid and Cal/Mag Plus

:leaf::leaf::leaf:Any ideas guys? My plants need your help!:leaf::leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
Plants were doing great for 3 weeks, I checked them yesterday and BAM, they're all sick looking. I kind of saw it coming, because the roots were getting a little yellow. I thought they might need nutrients, so I added a little, just so my ppm was at 400ish.

I'm using a 18 gallon rubbermaid DWC with 3 airstones, a 30-60 gallon air pump, keeping the pH between 5.8 and 6.3. I suspect my pH meter may be inaccurate, even though it is calibrated to 7 every month. Temperature is in the mid 70s all the time but I can't humidity in my tent any higher than 20%, even with a damn humidifier in there.

I use Advanced Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom. I have other additives but I've only used a little bit of Humic Acid and Cal/Mag Plus

:leaf::leaf::leaf:Any ideas guys? My plants need your help!:leaf::leaf::leaf:
have you checked your air stones recently? i know its hydro but they almost look over watered....IMO


Active Member
Air stones are still pretty much brand new, the water definitely bubbles, and I add cal/mag to my tap water which already has 200ppm, I've thought of both of those things already it just doesn't make sense ya know?


Well-Known Member
dude if its just the bottom leaves then it might be nutrient solution splashing on them causing them to burn. i see one leaf there just layin on the foil. Not good but if you lose those couple bottom leaves its okay


Active Member
What's your water temp? Are they sitting on a cold concrete slab? If not try a little micro nutrient in the solution and let your ph drift up towards 7 on that meter. Aluminum is toxic how is your water?


Active Member
I think it was mostly a pH issue, it seems to be better now that I got a new pH meter...but some of your suggestions sound like they could be right too.

Water temp stays around 73-74 degrees or cooler. Water in my area isn't too bad, I use tap water with a saltless softener system and carbon filter. No RO system yet, maybe one day. The end result comes out around 200ppm, which I've assumed is mostly calcium and magnesium, because the softener system's manual states that water may still test positive for these.