Anyone know what strain this is ? take a look


Well-Known Member
Why didnt yu jus post a fourm sayin post your smoke, or sumthin... Its no way any1 is gonna begin figure out wat kind of weed that is. Its not evn in its growin stage at that.
Wow dude it took me 45mins to take pics, make an account, upload the pics and this is the reply to my question I get? Fuck this


Well-Known Member
Exsqueeze me. That's a bit harsh. Anyway, it is a bit difficult to tell. It certainly looks like it has been grown to it max. I do spy a seed in there as well. Even if you grew that seed I reckon a lot of people would still find it hard to tell what sort of smoke it is. Looks crystally enough, but it has been pollenated.

What do you think it is?

Peace and happy smoking,


EDIT: Now I am not sure if that is a seed or not, lmao, I am a bit stoned as well.:mrgreen:
well I heard things from white widow to white russian white shark and I think its one of those problably not idk bjt its definitley a room stinker. And it has a chewy bud texture.chewy


Active Member
Lol. Dude. You can't tell what kind of strain a bud is, even if it's growing. (Save some very, very unique strains).



Legal Moderator, Esq.
Wow dude it took me 45mins to take pics, make an account, upload the pics and this is the reply to my question I get? Fuck this
Considering every strain has different phenos, and the 'tude carries 1000+ strains, and there's clones and crosses out there that doesn't include, there's an unmeasurable number of strains and pheno.

But if it makes you's a Dinafem White Siberian.