Anyone know what method this is?


Well-Known Member
My last harvest i decided to do a full on trim on the plant about 5 days before i harvested. The last 3 days I keep my plants in full darkness. When i pulled them out after the lasr 3days, the trichomes on the plant were more swollen and
showed an obvious increase in volume. Where i had inadvertently removed trichomes when i trimmed now had new trichome growth that was clear and not milky, but very apparent. Has any one else done this or know what this method is called? Im really pleased with the results but im highly doubtful this is the first time its been done and Im curious as to the inner workings of whats going on and the how and why of it as you understand it of course.20240526_193408.jpg
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My last harvest i decided to do a full on trim on the plant about 5 days before i harvested. The last 3 days I keep my plants in full darkness. When i pulled them out after the lasr 3days, the trichomes on the plant were more swollen and
showed an obvious increase in volume. Where i had inadvertently removed trichomes when i trimmed now had new trichome growth that was clear and not milky, but very apparent. Has any one else done this or know what this method is called? Im really pleased with the results but im highly doubtful this is the first time its been done and Im curious as to the inner workings of whats going on and the how and why of it as you understand it of course.View attachment 5404538
The difficulty is you don't know the reasons the trichomes appear that way to you. For example three days in the dark is the plant dying back a little. They aren't growing in the dark. If I go three days without food my pants will look larger but they aren't. But this is how you get good, you think and experiment. It will be nice when it's legal and we can get actual university research on this.
Were almost there. About 2 years ago they started offering Cannabis Cultivation as a program here at the University of Colorado.
I agree that the darkness is a big part of the mechanism. In my layman brain i think the darkness pushes the trichome production, and trimming before hand just gives the buds new surface area for trichome production. But i also read that the darkness flushes chlorophyl which is needed for trichome production. It wont kill me to just accept the results. I guess im just a nerd for this stuff. Im about 5 weeks away from my next harvest. Ill be able to have a few control plants to compare results with this time and hopefully have some better data points to share.
I highly recommend reading up on plant senescence.

At the end of the day, if you're happy with it, that's all that matters.
Hell yes!!! This is exactly what i was looking for!!! Thank you for pointing me in the right direction! In the little bit ive read so far ive already made an association of the new trichome growth & increased mass as possibly the product of Carotenoids as they relate to the leaves changing color in the fall. Instead of
Leaves changing color from chlorophyll degradation, With Cannabis we get a good final push of trichome production.
This is exactly the place i need to start. Thank you again!
My last harvest i decided to do a full on trim on the plant about 5 days before i harvested. The last 3 days I keep my plants in full darkness. When i pulled them out after the lasr 3days, the trichomes on the plant were more swollen and
showed an obvious increase in volume. Where i had inadvertently removed trichomes when i trimmed now had new trichome growth that was clear and not milky, but very apparent. Has any one else done this or know what this method is called? Im really pleased with the results but im highly doubtful this is the first time its been done and Im curious as to the inner workings of whats going on and the how and why of it as you understand it of course.View attachment 5404538

Areas under stress or high lighting, damage ext at the right time can some times cause a flush of chrystals to push out to protect the flower and the supposed seed inside.
Destroying ripe resin youve been growing and getting right for weeks to get a small amount of frest imature resin isnt really practical. Although there are other expermental methods of some stress the last week you can look into that dont have one damaging the ripe resin heads. How good they work is up for debate, depends on what methods you use and how well you can use them. You could just extend the dark hours to 16hrs, go slightly cooler and drop humidity a bit wich all should help make the plant think its season is come to a rapid end so will do its last ditch quick atempt at protecting any flower and the seed its supposed to have inside. The plant has learned to respond to rapid darkening hours as coming winter or close of season. Outdoors this is done by the dark winter days light hours geting shorter some places 8hrs a day or less and in the few weeks leading upto to those light dark hours it signals to the plant to ripen and quickly finish out.
Cutting through a bud while growin in about wk 5-7 in a 8-9 week flower strain can also cause a flush of bud growth to pop out with new resin layer on top. But usual most of these methods are impracticle and its debated how well some even work, but if used correctly some of them
might get some small results.
You could also use house and garden shooting powder if your after abit more yield and you dont mind a layer of new grow pushing out all over the ripe buds. As thats what shooting powder does, those buds do also have a layer of fresh resin too.
In the case of your plants, you wont know if it was any damage caused, cutting all the leaves off or the dark hours that caused it to come out diffrent.
Drought/ drying out the media last week can also stear the crop into finish too.
Areas under stress or high lighting, damage ext at the right time can some times cause a flush of chrystals to push out to protect the flower and the supposed seed inside.
Destroying ripe resin youve been growing and getting right for weeks to get a small amount of frest imature resin isnt really practical. Although there are other expermental methods of some stress the last week you can look into that dont have one damaging the ripe resin heads. How good they work is up for debate, depends on what methods you use and how well you can use them. You could just extend the dark hours to 16hrs, go slightly cooler and drop humidity a bit wich all should help make the plant think its season is come to a rapid end so will do its last ditch quick atempt at protecting any flower and the seed its supposed to have inside. The plant has learned to respond to rapid darkening hours as coming winter or close of season. Outdoors this is done by the dark winter days light hours geting shorter some places 8hrs a day or less and in the few weeks leading upto to those light dark hours it signals to the plant to ripen and quickly finish out.
Cutting through a bud while growin in about wk 5-7 in a 8-9 week flower strain can also cause a flush of bud growth to pop out with new resin layer on top. But usual most of these methods are impracticle and its debated how well some even work, but if used correctly some of them
might get some small results.
You could also use house and garden shooting powder if your after abit more yield and you dont mind a layer of new grow pushing out all over the ripe buds. As thats what shooting powder does, those buds do also have a layer of fresh resin too.
Your point of the risk vs reward is the very dilemma at the heart of it all. And a lot of grow issues in general. Im happy that ive been able to get a good basic idea of the mechanics involved, thanks to all of you. Its been frustrating because that paragraph of me describing the process of what i did and what happened dont work well in a google search. So i had no where to start. I dont want to let anyone down, but I also dont have any experiment planned, or grow comparisons related to this phenomenon. Im just a nerd for this stuff and try to grow the best garden I can and every bit of this shared knowledge and guidance makes my thumb turn a deeper shade of green woth every thread.