sm 90 works for this problem. its for keeping hydro grow water lines clean but has chemical for acid wash jeans in it thats safe for your plantsThey are fungus gnats, their maggots eat the roots of plants, faster that the plant can heal itself, leaving your mj open to all sorts of problems around the roots, and in the end killing your mj, you will have to search up on google a organic remedy, when i had the problem i put a slice of potato in the top of the soil to try and trap them, but i could never get them all, i tryed tobacco on the top soil, killed my plant, hydrogen paroxide is meant to help but involves drying out your plant and its not guarenteed, (my plant died) lost a whole crop to these mother f***ers, i changed everything. Have a look on google, you may have more luck than me, please if you find somthing that works let me know
i had leaves that looked Exactly the same has to be some kind of leaf cutter bug (corn earworm, caterpillar etc)...some are very small and i noticed them early in the mornings or late, late at night...i researched that sm-90 works for most bugs but i never have personally tried it..if you dont wanna spend money try and put broken up eggshells around the base of your plant...just let the egg shells dry out for a few hours or bake them a sec to get cripy, crunch them up and sprinkle around the hurts the sofft underbellys of the critters...i know it sounds weird but it worked for me..I can't seem to find any caterpillars? But they seem to love the new growth!! I'm from australia and does anyone know anything from bunnings that could help?