anyone know how to pass a DT


Active Member
Get synthetic urine, I tried the dilute method didn't work for me.
I drank water only for a week and a half, more then I would have ever drank.
The day of my test I drank about a gallon and a half of water just before taking the test.
I didn't use the start or end of my urine stream, just like all the "experts" say to do.
Took my test and failed, it was not even close to passing according to the lab tech.
So my advice buy the fake pee, it will work 100% of the time as long as you get the temp close your fine.


Well-Known Member
is it for court of for a job? if for the courts. they can watch u pee, ur screwed. get sweating and drinking water.

if for a job, bring a clean sample from a trusted friend in a test cup, between ur legs under ur balls. it doesnt effect how u walk
like u think it would, and it being under ur sack keeps it body tempature. good luck sir.

P.s if ur a girl this doesnt work, i suggest condom full of clean pee from very trusted individual lol into the cavity of urs we dont have.

best of luck.


Active Member
I'd suggest using clean urine from a relative as mentioned above it's what my dad did for his job using mine, I was quite worried though as he didn't know I also partake in the herb at that time and I'd smoked heavily the night before so I thought I would fail it for him...... he got the job though man, in the public sector no less, but be careful you may not be as lucky... other than this drink lots of water, I'm sure you're familiar with the flushing of soil or hydro, essentially you'd be doing the same with your kidneys.