Anyone know how to make coconut oil with BHO?


Well-Known Member
Hey ya'll, so as the title indicates, I'm just trying to see if anyone has any experience in making cannabis coconut oil with BHO. I'm having trouble finding anything online. I'm not new to making it with trim or other organic material and just hope someone could help me with the steps for making it with BHO. Anyway, I have 2 g's of blueberry butane hash oil from the dispensery, a bunch of coconut oil and a crock pot and full kitchen. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, I do not know if the oil has been decarbed already. Thanks a lot


Well-Known Member
your seriously having trouble finding info online?
i dont believe you...

anyway, wther you knew the state of material or not you shouod really decarb over double boil and watch bubbles slow like popcorn. simply add to heated coconut oil, however much you desire or recipe calls for. make sure its all in solution


Well-Known Member
So do u have any info on how much BHO to use with how much coconut oil? Do u know for how long to heat both? Can or should u use a crock pot? Basically do u have any helpful info AT ALL? or are u just trolling these sites that are meant to help people like me with questions? Let me know if anything comes to u


Well-Known Member
you can use however much you want. how much does recipe call for, how many servings does it make, do math..
or saturate coconut oil fully and fill capsules etc..its up to you and your uses. as well as compounds in the bho, solubility will vary with ratios. cbd is more polar than thc

how long to heat? i already told you, decarb over a double boil, this keeps a steady temp of boiling water. length of time depends on age of material, you know when its done based on bubbles being popcorn
should you use a crock pot? if that makes your heart happy. its not the most efficient way to decarb..all you have to do is get the room temp solid oil a liquid and absorb the bho.

try using your nogin

i basically restated everything again

oh and it needs to be in solution to be absorbed properly, this correlates to thc's logp
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Well-Known Member
Dude, thanks for the double boil info but I have no recipe. Maybe I should have stated that. I really need to know how much coconut oil to add with 2 g's of BHO. I have no idea and do not want to make it too weak. Any idea on that? 1/2 cup? 2 cups? The oil is not going to be used in any food recipe, just swallowed, as u said, probably in a capsule. Im really not hear for a pissing match just annoying when people start off by talking shit before trying to help. Thanks