Anyone know about High Pressure Mercury lamps..???


I have read a bit about these lamps in books like the cannabis grow bible, green harvest but i cant find anything more recent than 6-8 years old..

All i know is that they were used for veggin but metal halide started to be used more....Does anyone know why??

I have just been given two 250W H.P.Mercury lamps that came off the side of a shop...
Will they be ok to use..??
How long is a bulbs effective life-span..??

Any up to date info or personal experience would be great...




Active Member
I have read a bit about these lamps in books like the cannabis grow bible, green harvest but i cant find anything more recent than 6-8 years old..

All i know is that they were used for veggin but metal halide started to be used more....Does anyone know why??

I have just been given two 250W H.P.Mercury lamps that came off the side of a shop...
Will they be ok to use..??
How long is a bulbs effective life-span..??

Any up to date info or personal experience would be great...

They were actually banned in the United States in 2008 due to radiation

Check this out I just copied the link out of the FAQ should always run through there first before posting

A 250w MV light produces 10,500 lumens
A 250w MH light produces 22,000 lumens
A 250w HPS light produces 28,000 lumens

So you can see why they aren't used any more

would recommend not using the lights will be cheaper to spend the money now and buy one 400w hps/mh conversion fixture. It will use half the electricity to run and save you a lot in the long run. Hope it helps and good luck


Well-Known Member
The reason you can't find any recent data, is because no one uses them anymore, have a look inside your grow bible and figure out what year it is, a lot of them have a different year on the cover to the inside, basically they just re-covered an old edition.

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
Not good for growing at all, the light spectrum isn't right and they get really hot. Do yourself a favor and spend the cash on a HPS. It will pay itself back in a harvest or two.


Active Member
I just screwed a brand new Philips MasterColor HPS- RetroWhite into my 400w mogul socket... In one day I've noticed increased growth and vitality. High Pressure Sodium may be the most cost effective, but I don't believe that it is the superior lamp. The CMH is a way nicer lamp, and works with the 400w hps ballast. I've noticed the lamp runs a lot cooler too and the plants absolutely love it. I'm still only vegetating right now though, but I will flower under this lamp. HPS may have the edge in total lumen output, but clearly the full spectrum on the CMH is way better for the plants.

UV? Lots, I felt it start to tingle my skin after about 15-20 minutes of exposure.


Thank you all...
I think i will be giving the lights to the recycle center as i wont use them but maybe someone else will...

Those pages were brilliant SirSmokeAlot419...I will be looking at the F.A.Q more now i know about them..Thanks again

Take it easy everyone and happy growing