Anyone kno house hold idea to kill spidermites?


Active Member
well like the tittle says i got lil bugg prob and im gona need it delt with asap im in flowering so yuppp any ideas ?bongsmilieoutdoor btw


Active Member
cause there 24+days flowering and im prety shur i got another 40days more so i dont want this getin to be a bad infestation
Perithium can burn the hairs turn them brown so be carefull
Try goin out with a sprayer and spray them off I've used the sink sprayer and you'd be amazed how easy they rub and wash off


Active Member
well se the plants are like about 4+ feet plus iv been lst-ing them ... annd i dont got one of them sprayers i do got a watter bottle spray... i hurd somone say a rubbing alcohol mix with water .... iv just been getin baked and going king kong on them squishing them before i go to work lols


Well-Known Member
Doctor Doom, or (Safer) 3 in 1 spray is what i used and i got rid of them in a week.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Since you are outdoors you can start by spraying them with a hose and blow most of them right off the plants. I would follow that up with a mixture of water & Neem Oil. The bottle of neem oil will tell you the concentration to use. Do this every week until harvest. You can get a cheap pump sprayer at Home Depot or Walmart for under $10.00. Best money I ever spent. Mix it up, pump it up and go. Pay careful attention to get the stems and underside of the leaves. You should be able to manage them until harvest.


Well-Known Member
Soak 3 strong cigs in water overnight. Boil solution in the morning 2-3 minutes. Let it cool. Spray it on the plant, being careful not to get iti in your eyes.

Worked for me every time.
I agree with Doctor. I have used tobacco tea since I was growing up with the family farm. If you have a cigar shop that rolls cigars you might be able to get leaf tobacco or a good cigar if you want to avoid any added chemicals into the mix. The color of the spray IMHO should be the color of iced tea. The nicotine biodegrades in a few hours and is completely harmless to the plants and flowers. I spray my plants at least once a week just as a control.
Check your plants each time before you spray because this tea kills the good insects too. So you might want to shoooo them off before you spray.
Good luck and happy growing.bongsmilie

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
Soak 3 strong cigs in water overnight. Boil solution in the morning 2-3 minutes. Let it cool. Spray it on the plant, being careful not to get iti in your eyes.

Worked for me every time.
do you ever add a few drops of dish soap to the mix doc ? i add it to the neem oil solution it seems to help it cling to the leaves

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I agree with Doctor. I have used tobacco tea since I was growing up with the family farm. If you have a cigar shop that rolls cigars you might be able to get leaf tobacco or a good cigar if you want to avoid any added chemicals into the mix. The color of the spray IMHO should be the color of iced tea. The nicotine biodegrades in a few hours and is completely harmless to the plants and flowers. I spray my plants at least once a week just as a control.
Check your plants each time before you spray because this tea kills the good insects too. So you might want to shoooo them off before you spray.
Good luck and happy growing.bongsmilie
Right, if you want to avoid any of those 4000 additives that screw up our health, go with some tobacco products without those pesky additives.

do you ever add a few drops of dish soap to the mix doc ? i add it to the neem oil solution it seems to help it cling to the leaves
I don't use any soap with this, but it sure as hell can't harm the plant to throw in some neem oil to be 110% sure you get rid of spider mites.


Active Member
thats cool about the tobacco tea cause i do smoke so how mutch water would i need for 3 du maurier regulars :)
yeah im gona need to try this soon i got 1 day off tomorow and im gona try to squish a few by hand while i sit in the sun..

no one ever anserd where would you buy neem oil