It don't make money.I'm 24, have a part-time job as a writer for a local newspaper, and am full-time as a student in journalism at a local university. I'm a junior in college right now.
also, to the guy above me, how the hell can you hate videogames???!!!
And fuck you tootrue that. fuck war and fuck the "hero's" stupid enough to fight it.
i work in a call center 24 hours a week and make enough to pay ALL the bills.![]()
NO SOLDIERS = NO WAR . fight that logic you brainwashed fucking moron.
Thats crazyy, how si the bud up therei'm only 18 years old and i've already moved 3000miles away from my mothers house, purchased a car, worked in bristol bay alaska doing hard work, 16+hr shifts, and have already made over 20g's in the past 8 months and have accomplished quite a bit while baked most of the time![]()
Seafood processing, good hours with upto 5 weeks solid 16hr shifts for 1-5months depending on season.nice what do u do silicity
I just turned 30, graduated from a Big 10 school with a degree in financial planning, only to graduate and shortly there after learn the whole game is rigged. There is no true free market anymore. You and me both bought into the schedule of high school, higher education, great job, work hard get anything. Until I was 26 I felt that was "life". That whole way of thinking is very "I'll be taken care of".Has this situation happened to you?
You're talking to your parents about life and they say, "when I was your age(20s) I had a full-time job, house, car, etc" But then you look at your life and see that you have none of that right now.
Now my excuse is blaming the economy and the fact that in most states the prices for housing is still insanely high. So am I alone in this situation? Does anyone here have a home, great full-time job with benefits good pay and a car to go with it? I only know people with so-so jobs that rent and usually take transit, some with cars, but still live at home.
Closing in on 70. I'll assure you life can be lived without credit. It's not easy at times but when bad turns worse you aren't wondering about keeping your goods. They're already yours. Housing? Fuck that game. This underwater mortgage gig blew that myth out of the water. Yet "they" persist in assuring you that, overall, it is your best investment. Bullshit. Theoretically maybe. In reality, and when your 60+, good luck in hanging in there while "the market is improving".I just turned 30, graduated from a Big 10 school with a degree in financial planning, only to graduate and shortly there after learn the whole game is rigged. There is no true free market anymore. You and me both bought into the schedule of high school, higher education, great job, work hard get anything. Until I was 26 I felt that was "life". That whole way of thinking is very "I'll be taken care of".
I wont lie, I've done pretty well, buy using the people I know. That't the game, its who you know, not what you know. The whole time we were fed that story every other kid was too. Now Bachelors degrees are a dime a dozen. No body cares any more about education or they expect everyone already has one. Colleges accepted anyone, because they got big federal bucks in tuition through student loans. It's sad, but the whole thing is a joke, in my opinion. So you talk to family and friends and find a job,
I have a house I pay for. I work 50+ hrs a week, and get ok benefits, but ok is better than none. As soon as you think your getting ahead, gas goes up a dollar. Milk costs 3.00 TAXES go up... want more wages?? sure!! we'll just inflate the money supply some more to make your dollars worth a little less than before you got your raise!!
My advice would be either be willing to bend your moral compass, or wait until society degrades to the point we start over, be the first to do something good and well for others.
The house I bought is worth less than I owe I'm pretty sure. I bought it so I could grow. haha if it goes under I'll walk. fuck credit. that's another big scam. they make u think u cant live without credit. It's all bullshit.
There are currently no drivers in the economy that can globally revive business. We live in very strange times, but I believe it will get better.
Sorry for the rant.
All the things you listed as bummers arent that bad BTW. all include people which is the best part of life. if you start looking at it like that, the rest will fall into place.