Anyone Here Use Probiotics?


Well-Known Member
Wow, you should really get tested for H-Pylori infection. Half the world population has the bacteria, most without symptoms, but something like this sounds like the probiotics are what's keeping them from doing damage. I just found out I have it, only after a whole year of abdominal pain and issues. It got better when I took pro biotics, but when I stopped and started eating meat again it came back... Seriously, just trying to help out. Sounds farmilliar :/ esp. The glass feeling in the stomach! Typical hpylori.
High Kornelija Earthling :) I was actually tested for that several years ago, but it was negative. I have had many tests and everything comes back negative. I had my gall bladder removed in 2007 so that might have something to do with it. I also have fibromyalgia, so that might be the cause. I hope your tummy is feeling better :)


Well-Known Member
Sure.. not an everyday thing for me, alot of the products that are probiotic that are actual foods are dairy based and I try to limit myself on dairy.. I'll have the occasional activa, yogurt with the probiotics thrown in.

Fermented foods are supposedly probiotic like sauerkraut, or miso.. Those are pretty good as is and I try to incorporate those into my diet... In my opinion I even thing things like unfiltered sake or heffewisen are probiotic.


Well-Known Member
I brew my own Kefir and drink that. Millions of probiotics, tastes good too. It's also easy and fun to grow and make various different juices from it.


Active Member
Had them mixed in a protein shake before, didn't lay on my stomach like some so maybe they had something to do with it


Well-Known Member
Probiotics are only one part of a whole body approach system. Like some of the previous posters mentioned, you have to treat your body like an organic plant. As above, so below.

Think about how much dank you would grow if you fed your plant only macerated cheeseburgers and coca cola. The body needs a certain pH to function and the proper amount of nutrients and sugars to fuel it. That probiotic on the first page looks good to me. Broad range probiotics (human mycorrhizae and thrichoderma) break down the food we eat in combination with the Fulvic and Humic Acid (Same effect in humans as plants) chelates it so we can absorb them better. Pure water is necessary as like said the chlorine and chloramines will diminish the flora units. A blood change of just 1.0 pH in either direction could kill off significant aerobic microorganisms. In this regard, it is important to continually supply your body with more organisms by continually taking the supplements. There is no doubt that 90% of environmental intakes destroy these microorganisms so for best effect you will need to shell out some dough... That's the NON gimmick side.

You have to have exercise and proper eating habits and ways to positively deal with stress and anxiety or no amount of gut flora will make your digestive system better, miraculous or otherwise.

After all, you are what you eat. "Let food be thy medicine and medicine food." ~Hippocrates