Anyone here own an aquarium?


Well-Known Member
I got into the planted aquarium hobby and I do weekly water changes where I siphon the fish poop from the gravel. I'm wondering if anyone feeds their weed plants with the poop? I've been using it outside on my fruit trees and they love it.
In a healthy aquarium fish waste is amonia. Amonia breaks down into nitrites. Nitrites are toxic to plants and fish. Then more healthy bacteria come and convert the nitrites into nitrates. Nitrates = nitrogen. So a healthy aquarium is fine yes. 20201209_191441.jpg
Our goldfish died last year but I used to give the fish water to my plants. Always thought about starting up a totally self sustaining organic aquaponic grow but all my fish are dead just like my dreams..
Our goldfish died last year but I used to give the fish water to my plants. Always thought about starting up a totally self sustaining organic aquaponic grow but all my fish are dead just like my dreams..

As kids my younger sister had an aquarium where she kept little lake fish and crayfish from the cottage. She had it for what at least seems like years in my memory. My mom found it dirty one day and thought she could help by adding some liquid bleach. You know what happened next. lol
In a healthy aquarium fish waste is amonia. Amonia breaks down into nitrites. Nitrites are toxic to plants and fish. Then more healthy bacteria come and convert the nitrites into nitrates. Nitrates = nitrogen. So a healthy aquarium is fine yes. View attachment 4765892

Do you add organic nutrients to your tank? I have been using synthetic nutrients in my planted, but I'd like to go full organic if I can. Do you think a little Gaia Green 444 would kill my guppies?
Do you add organic nutrients to your tank? I have been using synthetic nutrients in my planted, but I'd like to go full organic if I can. Do you think a little Gaia Green 444 would kill my guppies?
I would absolutely think that would harm the fish. I havent used any chemicals since I initially planted the tank. I still use teas here and there and topdress routinely. But the initial water from the aquarium is just a little bit of nutrition.
I would absolutely think that would harm the fish. I havent used any chemicals since I initially planted the tank. I still use teas here and there and topdress routinely. But the initial water from the aquarium is just a little bit of nutrition.

I contacted Gaia Green directly and they said not to do it.

After researching fish poop it already has NPK and micro nutrients once broken down by the tanks microbes.
Thats what my earlier post was saying. Fish poop is amonia. In a fish tank bacteria colonies form which break the amonia down into nitrites. Nitrites however are still harmful to fish and plants. Another colony of bacteria will form and turn the nitrites into nitrates which is essentially nitrogen. Thats the very first step to setting up an aquarium before putting fish in it. Its called cycling the tank. Failure to do so will result in unnecessary stress and death for any inhabitant of your tank.
I got into the planted aquarium hobby and I do weekly water changes where I siphon the fish poop from the gravel. I'm wondering if anyone feeds their weed plants with the poop? I've been using it outside on my fruit trees and they love it.
I just started a little planted aquarium. Been paying more attention to it than anything else lately :)
It's tiny. 3 gallon fluval spec. O2 ingection, plants, a couple endlers, and a snail. Using an old inkbird controller for the heater.

I can see how this hobby could become as time consuming as the tent
It's tiny. 3 gallon fluval spec. O2 ingection, plants, a couple endlers, and a snail. Using an old inkbird controller for the heater.

I can see how this hobby could become as time consuming as the tent
Its expensive as hell too lol. I have two 55's and the big 180.
:arrow::arrow:Green relief INC article

They do Tilapia and pot by the ton in Hamilton Ont. Good excerpt below.

"If I were to void that whole room of plants and take it out within 48 hours, I’d have nitrite spikes, ammonia spikes – my fish will stress and it’ll take them weeks to de-stress, so you want to maintain everything the same. So, finding that equal balance and maintaining it is huge and the protocol had to be developed over time – there are no books, there’s no YouTube videos, there’s no anything to show how to grow cannabis aquaponically on this scale"

