So long as this is where it stays and nobody takes it to the next level. VM was heavily influenced by roseman who had a bit of money behind him. All VM ever really did to this site was ban babygro. This led to him losing his mod' status, which doubtless led to a bit of animosity towards the site. also the fact that he cut n pasted a lot rather than trying to push the growing community forward with actually trying to find out the truth, led to him losing a lot respect from members that knew better. There is a lot of misinformation on the web. Just because it says it on paper, it doesn't make it true.
This allowed roseman to manipulate VM, and together they built a plan to start their own site and steal members from RIU. To do this they needed to create disruption on the site... I think its no secret that I'm easy to wind up, so they used hempie and az grow to create disruption with me. This led to a few members departing here, because if i sense animosity in a post i will respond with some of my own.
They proclaim themselves to be hippies, plenty of

and love... they fail to realise that TRUTH is the most important thing, as TRUTH is everything.
Leave them to their little world of falseness. What concern is it of ours...