Anyone Here From Ontario?


Well-Known Member
Anyone one here from Ontario that has a medical marijuana licence?

I was wondering if anyone can post their story about how they got it? It doesnt have to be in great detail, I just need to be steered in the right direction.

Thank you.
I'm pretty sure that they are not giving out the MMAR cards anymore. Steven Harper is a stoner hating nazi
I opened this thread hoping to see something i liked... it was a big disappointment considering i am Canadian and would love a green card hah.
a friend of mines uncle jus got one, and im 99.9999995% he lives in Ontario, so they must be still givin em out to extreme cases
Yay a Harper hating thread!!
fuck harp daddy raping an pillaging our constitutional democratic system
Ps someone pm me a doc in Ontario that will sign off on my health can forms
it is very difficult to get a medical marijuana licence in canada. you may as well grow illegally, even if caught chances are good you wont do a day in jail.