anyone here from canada order seeds from attitude?


Active Member
did u get them? i odered the protection with a t-shirt they say it has a better chance that customs wont snag em. has anyone ever not received theyre batch of seed before because customs swipped em?


Well-Known Member
if you already ordered them whats it matter, just sit back be patient and if they dont show up then send the attitude a e mail and im sure they will straighten it out for ya man :) they are a great seedbank verry reputable with excellent customer service. it does take a good amount of time for them to get across seas and through customs so be patient man :)


Active Member
right on.. ya i know it would take a bit.. i was just thrown it out there and seeing if anyone has actually got ripped by the boarder. and if people order the shirts as protection.. or is that just a farce to grab xtra flow from us


Well-Known Member
i ordered not too long back got me a cool t shirt for 10 bucks (normal price of a t shirt anyways) customs didnt even open the bag.


Well-Known Member
Its not illegal to possess seeds in Canada. I've ordered at least 15 times from Attitude and got em every time with tshirts, mugs, tins and no guarantee a few times as well. I've never heard of any Canuk getting their beans confiscated


I ordered mine and they were in my mailbox in 7 days. Don't order the "cool mug" like I did though. Thing was smashed to shit. The tshirt is a safe bet. Plants just popped up this morning actually :D