Anyone heard of Sea-Crop, Biozome, Ful Power?


Greetings, growers!

Started to grow in organic soil recently, still pretty much a noob. I've ordered some products that seems interesting, and i wondered if anyone has any experience with any of them?

For example:

- Sea-Crop "a soil and plant stimulant containing over 80 natural source minerals and active organic substances from deep sea Pacific Ocean water."
- Biozome "a highly concentrated blend of beneficial natural microorganisms put together by Dr. Carl Oppenheimer after 40 years of research. BioZome has been proven to triple the growth rate, decrease seed germination time by 2/3, reduce transplant shock, produce more blooms and increase crop yield. Plants grown with BioZome exhibit healthier roots and increased disease and pest resistance. The microorganisms are primitive "Archaeobacteria" collected from salt pans, hot springs, and volcanic regions all over the world. They are hardy and capable of living in a wide range of environmental conditions. Also, due to their primitive nature they coalesce to work as a team, yielding a high efficiency ratio in the soil."
- BioAg Ful Power "an organic humic with high bioavailability, primary and secondary metabolites as well as phytostimulants from the “fermentation” process. The purified humic acid in Ful-Power has superior chelating ability and can help optimize cellular/plant growth, increase yields, and builds root mass and overall plant health/immunity."
- Humbolt Nutrients Myco Madness "a bio-stimulant package, 18 mycorrhizal species, 19 beneficial bacteria and 2 Trichoderma species"
- Biodynamic Field Spray "Dr. Pfeiffer developed this inoculant specifically for spraying on organic matter (such as cover crops or stubble) immediately prior to working it under. Organic materials tie up nitrogen as they are being "digested" by the soil, thereby delaying the availability of nutrients for the production crop."

Well, these are the claims...

Any thoughts?

p.s. I'm doing a grow report in the grow journals section ("the amsterdam run") where I have a go at an organic grow...)
Greetings, growers!

Started to grow in organic soil recently, still pretty much a noob. I've ordered some products that seems interesting, and i wondered if anyone has any experience with any of them?

For example:

- Sea-Crop "a soil and plant stimulant containing over 80 natural source minerals and active organic substances from deep sea Pacific Ocean water."
- Biozome "a highly concentrated blend of beneficial natural microorganisms put together by Dr. Carl Oppenheimer after 40 years of research. BioZome has been proven to triple the growth rate, decrease seed germination time by 2/3, reduce transplant shock, produce more blooms and increase crop yield. Plants grown with BioZome exhibit healthier roots and increased disease and pest resistance. The microorganisms are primitive "Archaeobacteria" collected from salt pans, hot springs, and volcanic regions all over the world. They are hardy and capable of living in a wide range of environmental conditions. Also, due to their primitive nature they coalesce to work as a team, yielding a high efficiency ratio in the soil."
- BioAg Ful Power "an organic humic with high bioavailability, primary and secondary metabolites as well as phytostimulants from the “fermentation” process. The purified humic acid in Ful-Power has superior chelating ability and can help optimize cellular/plant growth, increase yields, and builds root mass and overall plant health/immunity."
- Humbolt Nutrients Myco Madness "a bio-stimulant package, 18 mycorrhizal species, 19 beneficial bacteria and 2 Trichoderma species"
- Biodynamic Field Spray "Dr. Pfeiffer developed this inoculant specifically for spraying on organic matter (such as cover crops or stubble) immediately prior to working it under. Organic materials tie up nitrogen as they are being "digested" by the soil, thereby delaying the availability of nutrients for the production crop."

Well, these are the claims...

Any thoughts?

p.s. I'm doing a grow report in the grow journals section ("the amsterdam run") where I have a go at an organic grow...)

I have heard of FUL-Power but only from their website. I intend to buy some though or another humic acid product. Let me know how it works for you.
Hey pompel, I use sea crop and it is outstanding.. any of the other kelp products are good as well, Maxi crop, Acadian Kelp, etc... There are many benefits to using kelp, and it is organic so you wont hurt them at all with it,foliar more effective than soil drench but I do both...5 ml per gal. drench every watering and a foliar about every two weeks. Good luck and happy growing ! Oh and also it seems to mix easier if you have warmer water versus cold...
Have heard great things about Sea Crop. The guy who runs smiling gardener has put together a pretty convincing argument about it. i've been thinking about doing something similar to this pompel, so i'll watch your grow.
Fulpower = Yes! Best fulvic on the market. Biozyme = no, use a SST and save some money. Mykos Maddess = Hell NO! I was just in the hydrostore yesterday and was laughing about the pathetic list of spores on that product. Two million trichoderma spores is not something you want in your mykos mix.

lol pattahabi you always beat me to the punch.
not going to stop me from repeating you!

fulpower= yes!
biozyme= no
myko madness (anything humbodlt bottle)= HELL NO!
lol pattahabi you always beat me to the punch.
not going to stop me from repeating you!

fulpower= yes!
biozyme= no
myko madness (anything humbodlt bottle)= HELL NO!
LmFao!!! Literally, yesterday I had that mykos bottle in my hand and I was like WTF is this?! I showed the guy at the hydroshop and started laughing. All he could was shake his head. The fact of the matter is Trichoderma spores are a lot cheaper then mycorrhizae. Companies want to fill their labels up with ingredients to make it look like theirs is better then the other guy. Problem is those spores don't always play nicely together.
