Anyone Have Problems with Hygrozyme?

hope i'm not just kicking a dead horse for lack of options...

i've got 6 girls in 5 gal dwc buckets, 2nd week of flowering and they're all about 2' tall bushy as hell.

this is my first grow so i've been fighting ignorance the whole way, fucking up left and right.

i had pH issues that killed 11 clones and from what's survived i've battled lingering root rot issues the whole grow.

i started out using gh floranova grow/flora blend/floralicious plus with nothing else (had i known better at the time i'd have used beneficial microbes from day one and will do so in the future!). for bloom i'm using an sensi a+b bloom, florablend, big bud, and hygrozyme.

i got some hygrozyme after all my pH issues opened the door for root rot.

i 've been using hz 1/2 strength till last week, went full strength and ended up battling pH again and now my girls are toasted from that shit.

i have access to some voodoo, piranha, and tarantula but i don't think you're supposed to use them in flowering.

i also have no ro unit and i buy that shit locally so the less i have to flush, the better.

anyone care to help me out by recommending a course of action? i'm worried about my crop and i've got a lot of time/$ into this already...stressing like there's no tomorrow...even having strife with my lady over this shit.

I'm no expert Bro...

But I have used HZ and I have also dealt with root rot...

HZ will not cure your rot problem...

Are your current nutes organic? Sorry I am not familiar with those brands...


My recommendation would be to use NON- Organic baseed nutes and treat with H2O2... 50% @ 1ml/l 0r 35% @ 17ml/l

After you regain control of the situation, continue with your regular nute regime...


That is just what I would do...

I am a not listen to my advice as he only source...

But that is what I would do... and I in fact stick with non organic nutes and frequent doses of H2O2...

Best of LUCK!!!:razz:
a buddy of mine told me to avoid organics, but yeah - general hydroponics florablend and floralicious plus are both organic. florablend is a compost tea i can stop using but floralicious plus is a N rich supplement i use as a foliar because i've read N deficiencies are common in flowering. i'll quit foliar feeding anyways now that i'm 2 weeks into flowering but i'm wondering for the future - can i continue using an organic foliar after putting H2O2 in my nutrient solution?

where is the best place to get 50% H2O2?

i'm considering a transplant to coco but i don't know if that'd just totally fuck them being 2 weeks along flowering and having massive roots...probably i dumb idea but dwc and i are quickly developing an unhealthy relationship.


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a buddy of mine told me to avoid organics,

I am a newb bro... but I have been an avid follower of Al B. Fuct's teachings...

I am not sure if you know his work, but this is a godd place to get to know Al...

Get a harvest every 2 weeks

He puts forth that organic and hydro are an invitation to problems...

Lots of people do it... yet when I TRIED IT... I failed miserably...

I like his thought of a "sterile" res... with the cannabis plant as the "only living being" in the op... a bit of an exxageration... but a spot on analogy when comparing Org. vs non Org.

but yeah - general hydroponics florablend and floralicious plus are both organic. florablend is a compost tea i can stop using
h2o2 will in fact exterminate and speed decomposition of ANY organic matter... beneficial bacteria and all...


Can't say that enough...

but floralicious plus is a N rich supplement i use as a foliar because i've read N deficiencies are common in flowering.
Of all the shit I have tried... I am back to my first nute and h2o2..

Never had a single deficiency... don't even know what one looks like...

Use a good fert in your res..change and clean it every 2 weeks... and that's it.. keep your pH in check .. that's all I do..

i'll quit foliar feeding anyways now that i'm 2 weeks into flowering but i'm wondering for the future - can i continue using an organic foliar after putting H2O2 in my nutrient solution?
An appropriate dose of h2o2 will dissipate as water (h2o) and the extra oxygen (O) gets either absorbed in the water or spent in oxydizing whatever it just corroded to death... 3 or 4 days tops and it is no longer there...

where is the best place to get 50% H2O2?
industrial chemical suppliers...

It's hazmat... you will have to sign for it... but it is not illegal...

Just corrosive.. really corrosive...

like burn your skin off corrosive....

But just be careful...

Totally worth it in my opinion...

I believe an ounce of prevention is worth ... well... a whole crop!!!

i'm considering a transplant to coco but i don't know if that'd just totally fuck them being 2 weeks along flowering and having massive roots...probably i dumb idea but dwc and i are quickly developing an unhealthy relationship.
DWC is awesome...

but you need BIG reservoirs...

ANY hydro reservoir's stability is directly related to volume...

I could get away with a 40 gallo res, for my trays... but I use a 100 gallon res...

SUre .. it's a bit of a waste...

But my ph and ppm are stable for well over a week...

If I wanted to push my luck, I could pH at 5.5 and be gone for 2 weeks... no top offs... pH and ppm would shift, but well within range..

Small reses, fux in temp ph and PPM way too fast for it to be fun...

You could add a res and a pump and make it a re-circulating bucket system... but all those hoses look like a leak nightmare to me...

I used to do DWC...

I switched to ebb flow and have never looked back...


here is my latest project in ebb flow...

Oh and click on my sig to see my Al B. Fuct Style ebb/flow SOG...





hope i'm not just kicking a dead horse for lack of options...

i've got 6 girls in 5 gal dwc buckets, 2nd week of flowering and they're all about 2' tall bushy as hell.

this is my first grow so i've been fighting ignorance the whole way, fucking up left and right.

i had pH issues that killed 11 clones and from what's survived i've battled lingering root rot issues the whole grow.

i started out using gh floranova grow/flora blend/floralicious plus with nothing else (had i known better at the time i'd have used beneficial microbes from day one and will do so in the future!). for bloom i'm using an sensi a+b bloom, florablend, big bud, and hygrozyme.

i got some hygrozyme after all my pH issues opened the door for root rot.

i 've been using hz 1/2 strength till last week, went full strength and ended up battling pH again and now my girls are toasted from that shit.

i have access to some voodoo, piranha, and tarantula but i don't think you're supposed to use them in flowering.

i also have no ro unit and i buy that shit locally so the less i have to flush, the better.

anyone care to help me out by recommending a course of action? i'm worried about my crop and i've got a lot of time/$ into this already...stressing like there's no tomorrow...even having strife with my lady over this shit.


hay hot box i feel your pain, i also have a dwc system and im battling with the rot. i had it under control last cycle with hz , but im having problems this time . the only thing that is different is i had moor air stones in my tub. i just cleaned out most of the muck that cotes the roots, if u look at your roots you may see the ends of the large roots that hang in the water are full of muck. it best if u can remove that slime without stressing your plants, on the real big ones that were rotted i just cut them. the plants will send out new feeders instead of trying to repair the bad ones.

the anser to your question is clean out your tub, flush your system and add more air stones and air pumps.
good luck.
I thought this may help...

Al B. Fuct said:
Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Mr. Ganja

* 'Organic' doesn't mean 'good' or even 'better.' In the case of reliable, repeatable, constant rotating harvest ops, inorganic nutes are superior as you can use H2O2 with them. Can't count the number of new growers who get sucked into organics and then have root rot problems they can't solve with 'organic' enzyme-based pathogen controls. Organic nutrients are composed of complex biomatters (e.g. bat guano, worm castings, etc) which the plants can't assimilate directly. You depend upon organic nutrients to break down into N, P & K in the rootzone (at not always well-known rates) before the plants can eat them. May as well use inorganic nutes which are already in that state and also have a solid idea of nutrient strength and bioavailability, as well as have the ability to use (regularly applied) H2O2, which is a sure-fire, every single time solution to root probs.

thanks for the advice gypsybush and fishenfool. i decided to transplant them to soil, finished up a few hours ago. there's a lot of leaves that are burnt from pH spikes but the roots actually looked better as i rinsed them and transplanted.

i had been so preoccupied that i didn't notice a couple plants got too close to their t5ho bulbs and the tops of those two got toasted a bit. i raised all my lights after finding that.

i'll give them some time to show me how they're going to handle this but at least this has been a learning experience. in fact, my brain is saturated with all things hydroponics right now...need to toke and rest...
I thought this may help...

yeah, i saw that looking through some of al's stuff last night. its a sound reason for avoiding organics from the start but i was too ignorant to do that. also, in ca i can't get more than 7% H2O2 and that drug store stuff has nasty chemicals in it that i'd prefer not to even think i'm consuming.

i only grow my legal limit for personal use, though i started out with many more than that cuz it really is difficult for me to get transportation to buy clones and i though they'd all have died by now! point is, i'm not so much interested in perfect, consistent rotating crops like al is talking about. i'm interested in meeting my needs without the side effects of the pharmacuticals i'm trying to avoid. i prefer organicly grown food and my family garden is strictly organic as we make compost from yard/kitchen waste and the neighbor's chickens' shit. if i can grow totally organic ganja i'd like to so i'm reading up on subcool's organic soil grows and considering scaling back the hydro to maybe one plant at a time till i refine a totally organic regimen and find a grow style that works for me.
the problem with using h202, and i have had root rot a few times, is that its a never ending battle, i use it as a temporary fix to check it...until the application of hygrozyme, hygrozyme is not specifically made to cure root rot, but....this is a big but, if properly used it will cure your root rot. if you check back a few pages in this thread i listed the exact method that i use and you will have success 100%
Hygrozyme doesn't cure root rot, but I have found that whatever I start with I stay with. If I start with Hygrozyme I stay with it or Aquashield if I use it instead. No more switching for me. GH Subculture B is also good for root strengthening in the early stages. But the point is you have to keep your system clean and consistent with water treatment, Ph, etc. to prevent root rot etc.

Good luck.

Go Green...Grow Green.
I just started using foxfarm in hydro
I emailed foxfarm about hygrozyme and this is what they said...

Thank you for your inquiry. We at FoxFarm don't offer an
enzymatic formula as we rely on the microbes in the root zone to produce
the enzymes necessary to keep things "clean" down there. It wouldn't
hurt to use a product like Hygrozyme or Sensizyme to make sure things
stay well-kept. For reference, enzymes don't clean a tank like you might
think they do. What enzymes do is "eat" up dead organic matter i.e. old
roots, dead microbes, rotting plant matter, etc. So, if you do choose to
use an enzyme supplement you only need to use it sparingly, like every
other tank change or something like that. I hope I helped in clarifying
the matter and remember to always have FUN in the Garden!
FoxFarm doesn't offer one but several other companies do (General hydroponics, Botanicare, etc.) I have used several of them without any negative impact to the overall health of my plants except Hygrozyme. Each to their own, I'll continue to use the other products, but not Hygrozyme personally.
Ive used hygrozyme with no issue in a soil grow. I read in stinkbud's post that when using hygrozyme in hydro its going to turn your roots brown, but that isnt necessarily anything bad (pretty sure i read this there).

Surprised to hear this result from you. Im sure you had the proper ph and were doing everything else as usual. Strange - I wonder if you got a bad batch.

Reconsidering finishing off my left over bottle in my new aero setup...
lol, an interesting thread to read.

I run my own version of a DWC. I fight high res temps 73-76 degrees, and for DWC I’m probably way under enough air, so not the best environment. I use Hygrozyme now. I have had both success and failure with it. Since i have been on both sides of the boat, let me share my findings..

This is my old way #1:
Before I ever bought hygrozyme, I ran a complete sterile res. No bacteria, regular use of 29% peroxide. I would get pyth up high once in awhile, probably because of my low air and high temps, but the peroxide would keep it held at bay. Roots would be "white enough" and yields and completion were fine. Basically keep everything dead in your res (sterile).

Then I bought some hygrozyme. I cut out my peroxide and replaced it with hygrozyme. Bam, HUGE problems. 3 ladies almost brought to death. very slimy roots, not dark like my pyth before, just very slimy and weak (and not sucking up any water). was able to barely save them by cutting out hygrozyme (sound familiar).

Hygrozyme is used to create a perfect environment for the roots to attract and colonize bacteria. This is what i was told, and it makes perfect sense to me in my situation. Since i didn’t use any good bacteria, the littlest bad bacteria was multiplied and made perfect to live on my roots. I didn’t use peroxide anymore so the bad bacteria wasn’t killed.

this is my new way #2:
I bought some "great white" beneficial bacteria. I use that with hygrozyme and no peroxide. Now, beneficial bacteria multiply and live in my roots. So instead of killing everything, i promote good bacteria and let them thrive. This has turned out to be quite amazing. Silly white roots, even in my semi-harsh environment. And as long as i keep the good bacteria up, bad bacteria cant thrive. You can even use a touch of peroxide to supplement to kill of any little bad bacteria left, but not enough to affect your good bacteria colony. (like they mention on the hygrozyme bottle)

Hygrozyme eats dead roots thru enzymes, but it also creates a perfect environment on your roots for bacteria (good or bad). So if you use hygrozyme, you better make sure you have good bacteria colonies or you will be screwed. I have noticed this applies to clones in a areo cloner as well. either go good bacteria w/ hygrozyme or go peroxide only in the areo, this changed my areo success percentage from like 50% to 95%.

So lets recap:
Hygrozyme: Promotes bacteria colonies on roots (good or bad), and eats dead matter thru enzymes.(DOES NOT kill bad bacteria).
Peroxide: eats dead matter like hygrozyme but thru oxidation, and kills all bacteria (good or bad). Adds oxygen to water.

Its all about using it correctly, not just adding it to your res and saying "this shit sucks, it killed my plants". well yea dude, know what your actually doing when you add it. I learned the hard way, but I also learned how to actually use it correctly.

Hygrozyme can make or break you, and if you dont know the full story and apply it correctly, it will break you.
this is my new way #2:I bought some "great white" beneficial bacteria. I use that with hygrozyme and no peroxide. Now, beneficial bacteria multiply and live in my roots. So instead of killing everything, i promote good bacteria and let them thrive. This has turned out to be quite amazing. Silly white roots, even in my semi-harsh environment. And as long as i keep the good bacteria up, bad bacteria cant thrive. You can even use a touch of peroxide to supplement to kill of any little bad bacteria left, but not enough to affect your good bacteria colony. (like they mention on the hygrozyme bottle)

this is exactly how hygrozyme is used.

when you drop an enzyme product in your rez without established bene bacteria, you are creating a recipe for dissaster.

been there, done that.

before i followed the above advice, like others i had mixed success with hygrozyme.

when you learn hygrozyme isn't like h202, isn't a cure all, & isn't going to solve any root rot problems, you've reached the top of the bell curve.

i've lost several of my ladies due to the incorrect application of hygrozyme. & people that dont like it, or have had little success with it, don't know how to use it.

as stated in multiple parts of this thread, enzyme products are food for both good & bad bacteria.

when using hygrozyme, you need to start with a fresh rez & innoculate your root zone with beneficials.

hygrozyme will keep the benies feed... which keeps the nasties at bay.
I concur, I never had problems, started adding hygrozyme and now I get a frothy/soapy type film for a few days, and possibly some brown decomposing material that is similar to algae, and could be some kind of algae or bacteria. But after a few days of this things clear up and everything is good. I kept salt water aquariums for years and know that when bacteria and enzymes are cycling in a oxygenated system of water there is a period of "funk" before the water gets to a balance. At first there is lots of nitrate and material that is being broken down and lots of good bacteria that is growing and eating this stuff in order to find a balance. I think the initial "funk" period that hygrozyme will cause is normal for the water to cycle. But hey, I've only been using it for a few weeks and am hoping my theory is correct. It seems this is what happened in the first system I used it in, things started off with some funky stuff and now it's all healthy, I currently have a system that is experiencing this same cycle and will see what happens in the next few days, it will either confirm or rebuke my claims here. I'll update with what happens....good thread
I LOVE HYGROZYME.... I use it in the first weeks of flower only... after that i flush before every weekly water change with some peroxyde and water ph'd at 5.8. Hygrozyme if used properly is a great all around product. I used it when my clones were new and rotting and it helped get them strong again. hygrozyme vitamax are excellent products for the health of your plants b-52 will also keep your plants green and healthy looking but i prefer hygrozyme over sensizyme.