Anyone Have Problems with Hygrozyme?

IMO, I would not use the H2O2 as a regular part of my mix. Now this is from what I've read as I am new to hydro. I have used it twice to help with root rot problems and saved the plants both times. But only used it for the first couple days. Did one dose and did not add more to replace it. That and using my chlorinated tap water to flush did the trick. But I think the H2O2 will kill the hygrozyme, can't say for sure but I think it will. You can probably get something else from GH that would be much better. I do believe you would be much better off adding beneficial bacteria to your mix instead of killing everything in there. Just started useing Hydroguard and Hygrozyme together and roots are looking better than ever.
During my research of Hygrozyme I have learned that is recommended as a cleaning solution also. In that regard it is not selective in which types of bacteria, micro nutrients, nutrients, etc. that it cleans or strips away from your res, your nutrient solution and your plant's roots. It strips the good and beneficial bacteria your roots need as well as pythium, etc.

The hydro store recommended using it only on stronger, more established plants, otherwise it will strip all of the nutrients out of young clones and seedlings and wreak havoc. Those were his words not mine. This isn't the same dealer who sold my the Hygrozyme to start with.

I've chalked this experience up as a learning experience. Hygrozyme will have its uses for me, but not as a water treatment for root disease prevention. :peace:
Now that makes sense...

That is the first sentence that actually provides a clue as to why you why there has been trouble...

Enzymes break down organic matter to feed the bacteria...

If you roots are already colonized with bads... and you super feed them.. they will take over...

I suppose if you had more goodies than bads, the result would be different...

So the way I see it... whatever you have in you res will go crazy...

If you have goodies, your roots will explode like mine and other's...

But if you are already colonized by the bads... and you feed them... well we know what can happen...

This is just a speculation... I have come to this conclusion reading what I read here...

So I could very well have my head up my ass and be totally wrong...

What do YOU think?
i think you could touch your colon with your tongue, but that is beside the point. that sure does make sense. but lets not try to sell others on it around here.....they get touchy.
no, i just recognise a hostile environment when i smell one. then again you run to them and move in so i guess........nevermind. heheheheh
Oh Damn.. you missed... I guess I should have winked and said I'm

Gypsies like
When I asked if you wanted to keep it a secret, you were supposed to read SARCASM...

But I guess I am not very fluent in forum talk yet lol....
Fuck.. I need to learn to speak better American...

Here I am thinking it went over you head..

When in reality I am the one all fucked

Boy.. did we hijack this one...?!?!

I'm gonna copy that post again, so folks can continue

Cheers Bugs

ME! said:
Now that makes sense...

That is the first sentence that actually provides a clue as to why you why there has been trouble...

Enzymes break down organic matter to feed the bacteria...

If you roots are already colonized with bads... and you super feed them.. they will take over...

I suppose if you had more goodies than bads, the result would be different...

So the way I see it... whatever you have in you res will go crazy...

If you have goodies, your roots will explode like mine and other's...

But if you are already colonized by the bads... and you feed them... well we know what can happen...

This is just a speculation... I have come to this conclusion reading what I read here...

So I could very well have my head up my ass and be totally wrong...

What do YOU think?
Fuck.. I need to learn to speak better American...

Here I am thinking it went over you head..

When in reality I am the one all fucked

Boy.. did we hijack this one...?!?!

I'm gonna copy that post again, so folks can continue

Cheers Bugs

Hygrozyme does not harm beneficial microbes, it breaks down organic matter that microbes feed on. If you use higher concentrations of hygrozyme expect a Ph rise due to the breakdown of organic matter.
i cant believe theres this much hate towards hygrozyme, what i believe why some on this thread dont like it, is because when you have pythium on your roots, the addition of hygrozyme will basically dissolve the infected roots, thus making it look worse than when first started, for great results i recommend changing the rez daily, cus that water gets disgusting, but this is a clear sign that hygrozyme is working, its gets really bad before it gets better, 5 days of this routine and it will be like it never happened, besides you wouldnt want that nasty slime floating in your water
Hello everyone,
There's a lot of good info here about Hygrozyme. The shit is expensive though. I'm trying to find it cheap somewhere. My reservoir gets a little warm and I drop some frozen water bottles in once in awhile, but I'm hoping this will help out with the rising temp. I didn't realize people add this throughout the entire grow and not only when they have problems. Good stuff.
i use 150ml in a 20 gallon res every week. thats all it takes.

That actually sounds like a lot considering they sell it in 500ml, 1 liter, and gallons. At the rate you're going you would be done with a 500ml bottle in a little over 3 weeks so I assume you had the money to pick up the gallon whereas you would get about 2 grows out of that (if my math is right). I don't know, it seems like this stuff is way too expensive and really all we're paying for is the company's research and development. I guess the only way to find out is to experience it first hand.