Anyone Have Problems with Hygrozyme?


Well-Known Member
Long story short, I ran out of Hydroguard by GH that I have used for years in my hydro reservoirs. Stopped in a hydro store to get some and told that it is discontinued and that Aqua-Shield or something is gong to replace it. So the hydro owner told me to use Hygrozyme instead of the GH products at 3x the cost.

Anyway I changed out the various res on my 48 plants in different stages of clone, veg & flower and ended up with slimy brown roots and a nute lockout.

I have since flushed with Clearex, changed the reservoir out a couple of times and added hydrogen peroxide. That was two weeks ago. I lost several of my girls and many are looking bad.

The good news is that see a lot of new white growth coming along and some stability to the leaf color. Bad news is that 5 of the girls didn't make it.

I used half strength initially and have cut it back to a quarter strength on the Hygrozyme recommended dosage on the bottle.
Bump - Anyone? What else do you use to treat your res water? I have flushed and my girls still have nute lockout. I'm losing 16 of my clones - Strawberry Cough, Dutch Dragon, Blueberry and White Widow! *%^#&8
Bump - Anyone? What else do you use to treat your res water? I have flushed and my girls still have nute lockout. I'm losing 16 of my clones - Strawberry Cough, Dutch Dragon, Blueberry and White Widow! *%^#&8

although i can not give u details. i have heard first hand from very experienced growers that it is worth every penny. i would say give it a try. anything would be better than losing all that. best of luck to u
although i can not give u details. i have heard first hand from very experienced growers that it is worth every penny. i would say give it a try. anything would be better than losing all that. best of luck to u

I did give it a try so far and have lost at least 6 girls with more looking pretty bad. I'm back to ph'd water and low nutrients again to clear the nute lockout.

I would say that the Hygrozyme reacted with my nutrients or other supplements because I have a slimy brown sediment on the bottom and the roots are all brown. Nute lockout continues - lost two more in veg and one 3 weeks into flowering.
i dont have a lot of ex with it but i have used it and it also made a sorta brown slime grow on everything it touched i dont use it anymore i call it igrowslyme though now i think i may have had a bad or old batch i use h2o2 with great results sofar but NOT if your using any organics h2o2 will cause lockouts in organic nutes
i got root rot and lost a total of about 9lbs because of hygrozyme and associated root rot. i quit using it, cleaned everything, went back to normal mixes used before hygrozyme, and pow! no issues.

hygrozyme is pythium in a bottle.
i got root rot and lost a total of about 9lbs because of hygrozyme and associated root rot. i quit using it, cleaned everything, went back to normal mixes used before hygrozyme, and pow! no issues.

hygrozyme is pythium in a bottle.

You love it or hate it. I hate it now. Even though I have quit using it and flushed with ph'd water and Clearex a couple of times; the nutrient lockout continues. I washed all of the brown slime off of the roots and the slime in the res. The girls are still yellowing and dropping leaves like there's no tomorrow. Trying ph'd water with nutrients, supplements, but no water treatment and definitely no Hygrozyme.
You love it or hate it. I hate it now. Even though I have quit using it and flushed with ph'd water and Clearex a couple of times; the nutrient lockout continues. I washed all of the brown slime off of the roots and the slime in the res. The girls are still yellowing and dropping leaves like there's no tomorrow. Trying ph'd water with nutrients, supplements, but no water treatment and definitely no Hygrozyme.

you have pythium, same as i had. unfortunately it will not go away. the only way to kill it is to cull your plants and clean/sterilize your system and every component that touches water. pythium is contagious, so even if you have some plants that look ok atm, they are going to get much worse. do not run any new plants until the system is clean. and don't use hygrozyme, use cannazyme if you're looking for an enzyme product.

i'm sorry to hear of your misfortune, and really hope my loss helps you. clean the system and get it back in top shape.
you have pythium, same as i had. unfortunately it will not go away. the only way to kill it is to cull your plants and clean/sterilize your system and every component that touches water. pythium is contagious, so even if you have some plants that look ok atm, they are going to get much worse. do not run any new plants until the system is clean. and don't use hygrozyme, use cannazyme if you're looking for an enzyme product.

i'm sorry to hear of your misfortune, and really hope my loss helps you. clean the system and get it back in top shape.

Thanks for the info KP2. I sterilized and cleaned the system with chlorine water and nontoxic algecide also, but couldn't get all of the hydroton pellets thoroughly cleaned since the new root growth is throughout the media now.

I hope you're wrong about no recovery... I have new white root growth going on and green vegetative starts going on. I'm just hoping to save the rest of the girls even if it takes a little longer. All, except 2, are known to be females.

Pythium, huh? I'll do more research and continue to nurse the girls as long as there is hope of recovery.
it's easier to prevent than to treat...

here's some info...

Under the right environmental conditions, virtually every plant species is vulnerable to Pythium, which not only causes `damping off' of seedlings but causes root and stem rot of older plants. Symptoms of Pythium on older plants are a wet rot, root systems will be browned, roots hollow and collapsed. Plants may appear to grow poorly, and wilt for no apparent reason - indicating that an examination of the root system is called for. Pythium has an optimum temperature range for infection of plants, this is generally between 20 - 30C (68 - 86 F), although infection can occur outside this range when damaged plant tissue is available for rapid colonisation by the pathogen. Low concentrations of Pythium that may not cause problems at lower temperatures will be disastrous at higher temperatures, particularly where the warmer conditions are associated with a lack of oxygen in the root zone and plant stress.

The best preventative measure against Pythium attack is a healthy, rapidly growing plant as this is an opportunist pathogen and will enter at the site of tissue injury or if the plants are overly succulent, weakened or stressed for some reason. Often root damage during the seedling stage as plants are introduced to the hydroponic system is a danger time for Pythium infection. Pythium is of greatest threat during the seed germination and seedling development stage when plants are most vulnerable to attack, and adequate control and elimination of the pathogen during this stage is the best preventative measure of Pythium control in hydroponic systems. Strong healthy plants will develop resistance to Pythium attack during the seedling stage and this will prevent problems at a later stage of growth.

Other preventative measures include the use of a well drained media, thorough disinfection of all equipment between crops (a strong hypochlorite solution - bleach is the most effective), and control of pathogens during the seedling stages with a suitable fungicide, long before they are introducing into your hydroponic system. Occasionally a very high spore load, combined with excessive temperature will result in Pythium attacking even healthy plants, if this is the case, it is likely that there is an active source of spore production present, and the system must be shut down and disinfected. Some growers have found the use of wetting agents and chlorination of the nutrient solution beneficial in limiting the damage caused by Pythium, however extreme care needs to be taken when using products such as calcium hypochlorite as to much active chlorine will kill sensitive plants. UV light, hydrogen peroxide and ozone have also been used to kill Pythium spores in the solution, however these can have major effects on some of the nutrient elements in solution and careful consideration should be given before using these methods. Sterilisation of the water supply with these methods, before nutrient are added however, is effective at reducing or eliminating Pythium from the original water supply.

Therefore by ensuring your plants are healthy and stress free, you will not only get the highest growth rates possible, but also prevent problems such as Pythium infection occurring. The variables to remember with regard to the nutrient solution is that aeration is vital to maintain the dissolved oxygen levels, temperatures should be keep within an optimum range, and Pythium is always present, but a healthy plant is the best measure of protection against a disease outbreak. About the oxygen requirement of plants when in flower...its not always the case that plants require more oxygen because they are in flower, a plants oxygen requirement is linked to the size of the root system, temperature and nutrient uptake rates, rather than the presence of flowering. So since plants such as tomatoes tend to have a rapidly developing root system at the time of flowering, its important to maintain adequate oxygen levels. With tomatoes the requirement of oxygen in the root zone increases gradually up until the time of maximum fruit load and rapid fruit expansion, where the high rates of nutrient uptake increase the oxygen requirement quite dramatically. On the other hand, if oxygen is deficient during flowering, then the flowers and subsequent fruit may drop off as a result, or they may be undersized and may fail to pollinate.
:confused: i don't really know what to tell you guys. i've used hygrozyme religiously for all my grows and i have never had a problem with root rot. in fact i'm using it during my current grow and my roots look great! are you using the product as recommended?? i think it calls for 8 - 10 ml per gallon and says to never exceed 15 ml per gal. it could be that the hygrozyme reacted with some of your other nutes. but i've used several different brands of nutes with no problems. what about res temps?? sorry about your problems, bro, but i wouldn't think about growing hydro without hygrozyme.
Knally, sorry to hear about your bad luck man. I'm having the SAME issues with my table and I don't know what to do!! Now I'm wondering if it's the Hygrozyme. My girls are locked out and I'm losing precious time. How long were yours locked out for? I'm going to the store today to talk to the guy and see what he says. I'm at a loss. I use Pure Blend Pro but am thinking of switching to GH. What are u using? Good luck and I'll let you know what I find out.
Knally, sorry to hear about your bad luck man. I'm having the SAME issues with my table and I don't know what to do!! Now I'm wondering if it's the Hygrozyme. My girls are locked out and I'm losing precious time. How long were yours locked out for? I'm going to the store today to talk to the guy and see what he says. I'm at a loss. I use Pure Blend Pro but am thinking of switching to GH. What are u using? Good luck and I'll let you know what I find out.

i use gh, same deal. hygrozyme was proven the issue in my garden. fine for 3 years without it, pythium while using, fine now that i'm not and have everything cleaned.

fuck hygrozyme :p
i use gh, same deal. hygrozyme was proven the issue in my garden. fine for 3 years without it, pythium while using, fine now that i'm not and have everything cleaned.

fuck hygrozyme :p

Agreed! I use GH and have for years with little to no problems. My water temperature is always below 64 so heat isn't an issue.

Problems began when I substituted Hygrozyme for Hydroguard.

Time to find something else.
i also use gh and like i sayd before i used HYGROWSLIME and like i call it igrewslime tuff to rid yourself of this tank herpie but if you can take your plants out of the system and put them somewhere temporary whail you can bleach everything else lit it DRY OUT bleach is BAD for plants but as long as you rinse and let it dry it works real good to sterilize your system use h2o2 35% you can get it at your local hobby(hydro) shop and its way cheap like 18$ for a gal also physan 20 is good shit heres some info i pulled off a website on this product i have some but have not used it yet as the h2o2 is holding things down but this would be great for between crop cleaning one guy clames he scrubed his res out with bleach water then ran this product and the pysan pulled all kinds of crap (even chunks of blak gunk) up from his res after bleach and its safe to use WITH your plants so anyway here is some info on that

edit: if your going to use physan 20 READ the instructions and maybee even use this at a lower than recomended strength its strong stuff man

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]PHYSAN 20™ is a broad range disinfectant, fungicide, virucide, and algaecide which effectively controls a wide variety of pathogens on hard surfaces and plants. Its applications include greenhouses; hard surfaces; lawn and turfgrass; seedlings and cut flowers; decorative fountains, pools and birdbaths; and plants.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]PHYSAN 20 is an EPA approved concentrate formulated with unique germicidal agents to provide overall protection for your plants and greenhouses.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]PHYSAN 20 poses no human or environmental risk when it is used at recommended use levels and according to label instructions.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]PHYSAN 20 controls disease-spreading organisms which can be carried from plant to plant by using contaminated pots, flats, seed beds, soil, tools and human hands.[/FONT]
dude it pithium if for every new set of leaves u get u lose a lower set. its in ur hydroton rocks and is suffocating ur plants as well as eating the roots away thats why u lose for every new growth, ur getting little to any nutrient uptake. ur better off trying to remove and replace as much hydroton as possible then overdose on h2o2. i bet any amout u find exactly what u dont want to see in there, its gonna be nasty. i beat it twice, after i tweaked a flaw in my system i was left with an infection 2 weeks into flowering. being that the roots were being eaten they were easy to remove which should be ur case, pick off as much dead matter and rocks as u can and spray clean w/ a shower head. use new rocks and pots after sterilizing ur system and give alil more than the max amount of h2o2, i used a half bottle(3%) per 8 gal. by the way hygrozyme made it worst i found out when i got it straight and it almost got me again, cleaned it again and thats when i knew the hygrozyme enhanced the problem. it just attacked my seedlings also( im careless, but not dumb )but i had to mute that immediately. pithium fears me:fire:
i use gh 3 part and hygrozyme only in my flowering tanks and my clones. the only time i ever had anything bad happen with it was when i put it in my clone water bottle and sprayed the cuttings at the base of the stems to water them twice daily. overkill to say the least.....lost like 10-12 clones.
i use gh 3 part and hygrozyme only in my flowering tanks and my clones. the only time i ever had anything bad happen with it was when i put it in my clone water bottle and sprayed the cuttings at the base of the stems to water them twice daily. overkill to say the least.....lost like 10-12 clones.

i use higrozime and love it , it saved me when my roots were brown and slimey 2 weeks with hygrozime and no more rot and lots of new root groth. it will eat the bad roots and make new ons.