Anyone Have Problems with ATTITUDE SEED BANK?


Well-Known Member
i never got my package and they really are slacking on fixing the issue...the post office sent them back the package through no fault of my own and they want me to i got the package now they dont answer my emails...anyone else have a beef with them in the past? i usually recommend them but i lost total confidence with them, this been ordered over 2 weeks ago and im still holding my balls...even when i offer to pay the shipping on a replacement i cant get an answer from them


Well-Known Member
the post office returned the parcell due to it being undeliverable, i have no idea they have all the correct info on file, whatever the mishap it wasnt my end...whatever the case maybe when i offer to pay to have it replaced, they know i didnt get the package for whetever reeason and they know im not trying to scam, money is the issue, i am broke and i cant shell out another 100bucks and wait for them to refund me


Well-Known Member
I understand your predicament and I sympathise, but it isn't Attitude's fault that the post office screwed up. This is the price we pay for purchasing contraband. I hope you get your refund, but I certainly wouldn't expect it. Best of luck to you.


Well-Known Member
I understand your predicament and I sympathise, but it isn't Attitude's fault that the post office screwed up. This is the price we pay for purchasing contraband. I hope you get your refund, but I certainly wouldn't expect it. Best of luck to you.
honestly i'd take the hit and be glad you didn't get pinched in the process.

this is part of the game.


New Member
Ive never heard of anything like this happening. Sounds like it wasnt returned for "contraband" reasons, but because either the adress was wrong or no one was home after attemps to deliver or something similiar.. I think there is more to this story.The attitude is great imho.But of course, you have to know how to talk to people to get anywhere. Hope you gve more info as im curious .


Well-Known Member
Ive never heard of anything like this happening. Sounds like it wasnt returned for "contraband" reasons, but because either the adress was wrong or no one was home after attemps to deliver or something similiar.. I think there is more to this story.The attitude is great imho.But of course, you have to know how to talk to people to get anywhere. Hope you gve more info as im curious .
hey, when somone comes on here looking for a good bank i always recommend the attitude, i used them 5 times since the summer and never a problem, i think they messed up something on the lable

fat sam

Well-Known Member
you just have to wait until it gets back to them so they can see it really did go back, it sucks but its what you got to do