anyone have any good receipes for compost ?

jeb cornfield

Active Member
hey ya'll i just wondering if anyone had any good ideas for some compost. iv been useing seawwed coffee angus shit and some food scraps and it works really good but im always looking to improve bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
if it was alive at one time i put it in my pile, no meat. i have some monster worms living in there


Active Member
If your compost pile is not getting hot (should reach 140 to 160 degrees F in the center), it could be 1 of 3 things:

1. Lacks Moisture - Poke holes in the pile so you can water well inside
2. Needs turning - Use manure/pitchfork to bring materials from the outside to the center of the pile.
3. May be done! - If it's dark, crumbly, and earthy smelling, it's finished.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Like making sourdough bread, leave 1/2 the compost alone, and add new material to that. The "done" compost is a starter, all the things that will attack the new material. Worms & microbes. If it's "HOT", it's the veg. decomposition working properly. Watering it just retards the processes & invites infestation of pest. Slightly moist, only. Turning it exposes the microbes to direct sun, which will kill them. That's one reason tilling isn't a good thing. Once done, take some from one side, add new to the other side. Molasses accelerates the microbial breakdown. Seaweed builds immunity to fight off pest, and is a good, natural rooting stimulator. With worms, mo meat, lemons, etc, or milk products. Egg shells will balance the PH level & add calcium. Whole ground cornmeal will kill bad bacteria & mold. Epsom salt will add minerals & balance the soil. Greensand adds the other minerals the plant needs. Cotton seed meal, bone meal & blood meal is also awesome.
Compost Tea is live Microbes, which is what cultivates & breaks down the soil so the plant can readily absorb what it needs, when it needs it. A "fish" is OK, but fish emulsion is prepared, so when mixed throughout the soil, the roots , once again, is offered what it desires, when it's desired.
To further activate the breakdown, compost tea is the difference between a healthy 7 lb. Lady, to a 3 lb. Lady. There is a lot of high dollar compost tea makers. A Competition was done. and Bruce Deuley seen on blew the commercial compost tea makers away, with a 5 gal. bucket, one 55 gal. aquarium air pump, etc. He just put some Lady Bug Rejuvenate compost in with some molasses & water, and 3 days later, He had Billions on microbes, 1 gal makes 4 to 6 gals. of tea. Add that to your compost, and the plants will be saying "Can't touch this !!"


Active Member
Like making sourdough bread, leave 1/2 the compost alone, and add new material to that. The "done" compost is a starter, all the things that will attack the new material. Worms & microbes. If it's "HOT", it's the veg. decomposition working properly. Watering it just retards the processes & invites infestation of pest. Slightly moist, only. Turning it exposes the microbes to direct sun, which will kill them. That's one reason tilling isn't a good thing. Once done, take some from one side, add new to the other side. Molasses accelerates the microbial breakdown. Seaweed builds immunity to fight off pest, and is a good, natural rooting stimulator. With worms, mo meat, lemons, etc, or milk products. Egg shells will balance the PH level & add calcium. Whole ground cornmeal will kill bad bacteria & mold. Epsom salt will add minerals & balance the soil. Greensand adds the other minerals the plant needs. Cotton seed meal, bone meal & blood meal is also awesome.
Compost Tea is live Microbes, which is what cultivates & breaks down the soil so the plant can readily absorb what it needs, when it needs it. A "fish" is OK, but fish emulsion is prepared, so when mixed throughout the soil, the roots , once again, is offered what it desires, when it's desired.
To further activate the breakdown, compost tea is the difference between a healthy 7 lb. Lady, to a 3 lb. Lady. There is a lot of high dollar compost tea makers. A Competition was done. and Bruce Deuley seen on blew the commercial compost tea makers away, with a 5 gal. bucket, one 55 gal. aquarium air pump, etc. He just put some Lady Bug Rejuvenate compost in with some molasses & water, and 3 days later, He had Billions on microbes, 1 gal makes 4 to 6 gals. of tea. Add that to your compost, and the plants will be saying "Can't touch this !!"
Bruce deuley is a genius.i listen to that guy every sat. on the radio along with Malcolm Beck&Bob Webster.Those guys know their shit.the past few weeks we've been using his leechate (sp) idea.from my understanding its just non aerobic compost tea??? its been working wonders on all of our plants around the house non the less.these "worms" everyone is mentioning,what do they look like?im asking because i have some in mine also but not normal worms.they look like if a rolly polly fucked a meal worm&thats what was created.they seem beneficial so im not too worried but damn curious of what theyre called.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Pariah, your the first that ever heard of B.D. etc. Bob Webster is my hero, & Howard Garrett. I can't get Bruce anymore, but he is awesome. I listen to Bob every Sat. & Sun, where I learn more than from the pot guides. I think the compost pile should be "turned", but not in direct sun. I'm within 60 miles or so of SA.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Robert, via Goggle Earth, your front & back yard looks like shit. You need to put out some Medina. I'm not far. Drive around until you see cows playing air guitar to AC/DC, that be my place. We be churnnin'!
The "worms" mentioned is the same type, I believe, that is at the bottom of an out house. My pure cow shit caused the same. No worry. Forget Canadian Night crawlers. Yankees don't survive in Hell's Kitchen. Native Earth worms may get up to 12' long, but are worthless for breeding & fishing. Skin is too thin for fishing, & too dam slimy. Red Wigglers is way cool, double population every 30 days. I had 18,837,034 this morning, but the day is so young. Ordered 2 lbs a year ago.When the worms hear the Plop-Plot, from the cows, they get all excited. Teaching them to hold their breath underwater is another ball of wax, altogether.


Active Member
Robert, via Goggle Earth, your front & back yard looks like shit. You need to put out some Medina. I'm not far. Drive around until you see cows playing air guitar to AC/DC, that be my place. We be churnnin'!
The "worms" mentioned is the same type, I believe, that is at the bottom of an out house. My pure cow shit caused the same. No worry. Forget Canadian Night crawlers. Yankees don't survive in Hell's Kitchen. Native Earth worms may get up to 12' long, but are worthless for breeding & fishing. Skin is too thin for fishing, & too dam slimy. Red Wigglers is way cool, double population every 30 days. I had 18,837,034 this morning, but the day is so young. Ordered 2 lbs a year ago.When the worms hear the Plop-Plot, from the cows, they get all excited. Teaching them to hold their breath underwater is another ball of wax, altogether.
haha!!! bought some night crawlers for my sugar gliders as a substitue for meal worms.they never got eaten so i tossed them in the compost arent lying,the next day those little guys were nothing more than a pile of ooze.i wonder whats up with the stations not broadcasting B.D. Some lady called in last weekend saying her station did the same can still get online though to catch his shows.unfortunately i wont be doing too too much gardening this summer,rain seems hard to come by these days.Our city is gonna suffer if the river doesnt raise soon.Im not too far from s.a. aswell,prolly about 30-40 mi.kinda cool knowing theres others from this area.really helps out alot when you can talk to people experiencing similar weather conditions


Active Member
hmmm,i dont understand the edit button LoL BDs' station had crashed at his house so he's been on ktsa doing bobs' show from what my dad told me. good ol' 550&1420......

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
corpus christi lake is down ,now @ 75% rations start at 50% ,just wanted to add that i picked up a small bag of cheap corn meal at HEB and a bottle of molasses layered my compost pile with both and added grass trimmings 1/2 and1/2 leaves it was all fairly dry checked a few days later and its gone back to cooking nice and hot inside...