Anyone have a pot lifter dolly they would recommend?


Well-Known Member
I've looked on amazon and they range in price from $50 to $500 bucks. Anyone use one they are happy with that won't break the bank so I don't break my back lifting 15 gallon tall pots?

I've looked on amazon and they range in price from $50 to $500 bucks. Anyone use one they are happy with that won't break the bank so I don't break my back lifting 15 gallon tall pots?

I hear ya. I have 15 gal pots, and with pumice and lava rock in them they're heavy as shit. Maybe get one with an extension. I just use a regular one but I can make it work. I just have to be careful. I can move them up and down the stairs if I need to.

Like this. I don't have the extension.
