Anyone have a passion for pot?

Okay, so I have a passion for pot, I love every aspect of it. I'd like to be a marijuana activist, but dont know how to get started. I LOVE pot! I love the effects of it, i love talking to other people about it, I love growing it, I love the culture that surrounds it, I love the way it makes me think, I just love it! I do not let it control my life, but it makes everything in life seem better... yeah I'm in college and have a 3.2 GPA and am involved in college campus activities and orginizations, i have a decent job and life, but Im high all the time.... I love pot and believe that its a sacred plant that CAN bring peace to the world, as long as people don't get greedy. Does anyone feel as strongly about pot as I do?


Well-Known Member
No dude, your definitley in the wrong place, take your hippie ass pot loving views out of here!! Just kidding of course I am pretty sure most of us do haha.
Welcome home.
Thanks! I just want to say that SWIM leives in a state where if you get caught with just ONE pot plant, you will automaticlly get 2 years in prison and 10 thousand dollar fine. I love my state, but I absolutely love pot. I'd honestly have NO problem growing pot for a living and smoking the rest of my life. really, i wouldn't! I'd love to be in a pot loving community where at LEAST 85% of the people there smoke pot... any suggestions? SWIM sorry, SWIM just loves the substance so very very much... Swim just wants to have a normal job that allows pot smokers..... any ideas? Im thinking about moving to Northern California! SWIM's 3 other frieds are moving to santa rosa in cali and SWIM wants to go with them, but unfortunately SWIM can't go, SWIM has too many obligations here.....


Well-Known Member
I feel the same way. Taking a public speaking course and we have to do a speech on a culture. Gonna do a 6 minute speech on stoners (ie. us). It gives me the chance to clear up some misconceptions and help express how I feel about my brethren.

Try to get involved in local cannabis associations. Start petitions to legalize/medicalize cannabis. If I had the income I would give out free samples to everyone I could.
SWIM does stay stealth, SWIM roommate work for America (thats all im saying), SWIM roommate has influence, SWIMs roommate is "cool". SWIM has NEVER been in trouble, and dosen't plan to be. SWIM dosen't see a problem with procuring 28 grams for personal use in anyway. SWIM thinks that alchohol is more addictive and deadly than marijuana. No onw has dies from marijuana (At least from SWIMs knowledge). SWIM likes that persident Obama has officially ban DEA from prosecuting medical MJ smoker/growers. This makes SWIM happy! SWIM wants to go to cali or canada were medical MJ is legal. SWIM has a VERY injured back with permanent nerve damage. SWIM dosen't like opiates releive pain because they become addictive. SWIM much rather have an all natural choice of medication!
S- someone
W- Who
I - isn't
M - Me
He is also the biggest mover of drugs ever!
ICE is right, someone who isn't me... It's a way of not incriminating oneself. So instead of saying"Im growing weed in the woods where I live" SWIM is a way saying it, without say that it's YOU who grows weed.. henceforth, no incrimination, or you can say AFOAF (a friend of a friend) without incriminating yourself..... get it? :):peace:
and vtguy, SWIM isn't me, it's someone who isn't me...... SWIM just loves pot and SWIM wants to become politicaly involved.... SWIM think within the next 10 years, Marijuana will be legalized throughout the U.S.