I just chopped my Gorilla Glue plant. It never got to be very tall but I may have "flipped" it too soon after I put it in the ground. I got it as a clone last spring and only left it under a night light for a couple weeks. The yield was not as big as some other plants the same size however the section of my garden where I planted it might have been "cursed" because the Gorilla Glue and a couple of neighboring plants often seemed to get knocked off-center by either an animal or the wind at night.
I decided to give all my plants a little dose of Epsom salts because I want to see if it makes their stems thicker and stronger. I've had branches that seem to break off too easy, and the Gorilla Glue stems were kind of spindly. But that could easily be my fault, not due to any deficient genetics in the strain.
I've been feeding with Miracle Gro and I just looked at a package the other day and noticed it says to feed every two weeks or so, and I haven't been doing that by a long shot. I think I've been fertilizing once a month, perhaps, but my plants never show any definite signs of being malnourished and I don't want to end up "growing rope."
FWIW I have grown a cut called Super Glue (CA Collective, San Jose) a couple times indoors and always liked how it performed. Great flowers.