Anyone grow durban poison??


Well-Known Member
i've heard dp can get 20 feet tall. i've had a sativa that reached 15' myself, so i don't doubt it.

deffinitely an outdoor plant... so if ur growing it indoors (and i will hopefully try a couple as i also got the free fem DP seed from attitude)... be prepared to do all the tricks toward keeping it low... topping, low stress training... etc... be prepared to wrap this thing around itself.

those leafs deffinitely look interesting, i guess i'm used to seeing indicas and hybrids rather than pure sativas.


Well-Known Member
i've heard dp can get 20 feet tall. i've had a sativa that reached 15' myself, so i don't doubt it.

deffinitely an outdoor plant... so if ur growing it indoors (and i will hopefully try a couple as i also got the free fem DP seed from attitude)... be prepared to do all the tricks toward keeping it low... topping, low stress training... etc... be prepared to wrap this thing around itself.

those leafs deffinitely look interesting, i guess i'm used to seeing indicas and hybrids rather than pure sativas.
ill do what ever it takes !, i plan on Fiming in about 2 weeks
then i will be taking clones fromt this plant when there is some nice stems.
clones will veg a week maybe .. then off to flower !
i cant wait....:weed:


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking DP from my last hasverest and it's a killer smoke, very very nice, be prepared for a plant with 2 metres high, now i have on 4 weeks flower a top 44 and it's allredy 1,5 metres high bongsmilie


Active Member
how tall was it when you started flowering? plants ar all over 14inch..going to fim them, should i keep them on veg for a certain time after fimming....any advice would be appreciated...


Active Member
going to fim it now then give it a week to heal after which i'll start flowering...thanks 420weedman


Active Member 4 durban(s) are all over 14 inch @ 6 wks. I want to start flowering 1 week today maybe keep one in vegamondo. should i rush it or be patient. having a moment here


Well-Known Member

heres up date on my durban ... 5 days later :weed:

-- and heres my blueberry for Maryjane

Awww It's freaking beautiful!!!! and Healthy you should see mine, the poor thing has some issues but I'm working on it. First it had the seed stuck, then it has all these weird leaves poking out every where. It was touch and go at first but she is doing well now. Yours is AWESOME!! Thanks for posting her. Gives me the hope I needed, the most expensive seed I got gave me the most trouble! All of yours look great!!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: