Anyone Got Their Crop Stolen?


Well-Known Member
whats up everyone
theres always that chance that someone will find your crop and thats a risk you take when growing. i havent had one stolen from me yet hopefully it never happens bongsmilie

So if anyones ever got their crop stolen lets hear the stories


Active Member
me to my backyard if u get past my nieghbors,,,my 200 pound rott and me sleeping on the couch on my backdeck with my mossberg or remington 870 express super mag with a 3/12 inch shell u deserve it but if i have anything to do with it u wnt make it out my backyard and my dog will use u as a chew toy till till i tell him no,,,,,,,,,,,lol

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I had a rather large guerilla crop jacked once. Was pull a couple days before I was going to harvest. Not stoked on that. That was the last guerilla grow I ever attempted.


Well-Known Member
Ive gotten mine taken before each time from one of my supposed "friends" since then i never tell anyone exept maybe my brother where my plants are


Well-Known Member
good rule of thumb, never tell anyone, and yes that includes your best friend from childhood who you smoke with every day. Just not worth it.


Well-Known Member
ive heard that if you dont properly watch a marijuana plant it will grow legs and run off in late september its a migration type thing i dont get it


Well-Known Member
yea i had to find that out the hard way: and has anyone ever had there crop seized i have a relatively small grow, 10 plants, do i have anything to really worry about i live in ny and it complety illegal, i get real paranoid every time i hear a chopper

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Think it was somebody you knew, or just random.
Randoms, but I found them. Wasn't hard. What they jacked was my own strain. Tried to get rid of it to someone I knew. They were stupid enough to try and get rid of it in the town they jacked it from.


Well-Known Member
How would they know what he called it? lol
That's infuriating DK.
I got and indoor grow jack from a old 'friend' too. His car paid for his trespasses.

while if they tried to get rid of it to some one he new hmm maybe they have heard of him and his strain do the investigations yourself lol + rep anyways


Active Member
so here is my spill we had a fucked up situation with our electricity and it got shut off. needless to say we had about 10 girls a week away from trim time and a plethora of clones and veg'd plants.
Also during this time we were in the process of moving and the first night our pits didnt stay with the plants, all the flowering girls pulled all the veg'd girls gone get this few of the other smaller girls and clones where left. too many people knew at that point we were careless and didnt take the precautions we needed too

my partner and i learned the heard way

we eventually had a falling out and he also kept my half of our last harvest


Active Member
Got 7 plants stolen and have 4 left that were hidden. I would always have a plan B operation that absolutely no one knows about. I have security cameras in stalled on my property as well as Mosberg 500 shotgun. Someone tryied to rob me yesturday...I chased him down the street with my machete. only cus i didn't have time to get my shotgun.