Anyone got a spare QB288 heatsink they wanna sell (EU)?


Well-Known Member
I know this is a bit weird. The government of the country has introduced these supposedly "green" laws about packaging, you can no longer buy stuff from Asia/China, no more Kingbrite, no Aliexpress stuff, its fucking ridiculous. No more buying leds and drivers and having fun playing around with stuff, im fucking livid. No 1 complaint is that hobbyists will no longer be able to fix techy stuff because ALL the spare parts are mostly only available from China. So people will have to trash stuff they could previously repair, and this is supposed to be a green policy, fucking clueless twats.
Rant over. Just thought id ask here if anyone has an old one thats not being used that they be willing to sell?
Sorry I can't be of help, but what country are you in?
Austria. Where absolutely we have a very high standard of living - except ANYTHING to do with getting stuff sent here. Im from the UK and since Brexit it is practically impossible to get a package from the UK, well you can but there is mandatory €35 customs fee so im not paying that. I Vape, no vape related products including something so harmless as 10ml of flavour can be shipped. An now this BS with China/India/ also a sculptor and half of what i used isnt available here, like 2,000+ grit sandpaper, so my artwork is now practically impossible.
So yeah - Austria has great mountains and cakes but its run by a bunch of idiots.
€34,90 from HLG excluding shipping. Just seems a lot for what it is! Shipping €15. So €50 for a QB heatsink‍♂️
But the twin one is €38 which would work as i plan to run 2 and id have a single one spare...
Nothing for nothing but your region is world renowned for tradesman/ machinists seems like an easy source to make but i know nothing from my seat.
Cheers, but whaddya mean "seems like an easy source to make", like it should be easy to find one here?