anyone go from not using chiller to using one?


Well-Known Member
Just curious what to expect, I just installed a chiller on one if my systems, been running current culture rdwc for a bit over a year without one. Just installed one on a system to see how the results go.

Wondering if the plants get notably happier with a few degrees cooler.

So anyone install a chiller and have any huge revelation like why didn't I do this earlier, or is it more insurance so you don't have major root issues which I don't think I do


Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Just curious what to expect, I just installed a chiller on one if my systems, been running current culture rdwc for a bit over a year without one. Just installed one on a system to see how the results go.

Wondering if the plants get notably happier with a few degrees cooler.

So anyone install a chiller and have any huge revelation like why didn't I do this earlier, or is it more insurance so you don't have major root issues which I don't think I do

Yes they are an amazing addition to a hydro grow. I have never had happier plants and keep roots at 65 F. I never had root issues (I thought) then all hell broke loose. I think I was always on the verge of rot before the chiller.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Did you notice a yield increase over not having one?
Well it's kinda hard to answer that right now lol. I just harvested the plants that I saved from imminent death and got 7 ounces but as stated they almost died lol so anything is better than nothing lol. I would have to say yes there will be an increase in yield though. The growth of the root structure has been phenomenal as have the plants. My chiller is passive and no compressor so it cost like less than a 60 watt light to chill 75 gallons if all res's running but will need to hook up a compressor before it gets higher than 55 F outside.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, I think my temps are mid to low 70's without... So not sure a chiller is going to make much difference... Thinking more preventative?...

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Well I was kind of in the same situation and everything was great until shit hit the fan lol. I started out using H2O2 and switched to beanies then after the rot I switched to hydroguard finally and the chiller


Well-Known Member
Before I installed a chiller, nothing would stop the rot. Afterwards, as long as res temps were in check, no rot happened.

Just that black and white for me, YMMV

I liked water cooling so much I decided to use it for everything. Smartest move I ever made.


Well-Known Member
I dont have an issue with rot that im aware of, roots just have a cream color and could be healthier, but no rot...

Hope it might help if plants too warm from light beeing a bit too close since they will be drinking nice cold water... I hope increased oxygen also improves plants

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I dont have an issue with rot that im aware of, roots just have a cream color and could be healthier, but no rot...

Hope it might help if plants too warm from light beeing a bit too close since they will be drinking nice cold water... I hope increased oxygen also improves plants
I have a couple of threads that show before and after pics of roots that show how much healthier they are.


Well-Known Member
We'll I said fuck it and bought two more chillers today, so now all my flowering systems will be on chillers... Now I prob need to buy one for veg ha jeeeez. There goes a G but water feels nice and cold ha


Well-Known Member
Now that you have the chillers take a peak at hydro innovations... Those boys can cool everything with chilled water. I'm getting a 1 hp next week....


Well-Known Member
Now that you have the chillers take a peak at hydro innovations... Those boys can cool everything with chilled water. I'm getting a 1 hp next week....
Hydro Innovations no longer exists; they were bought out by Surna. They use cheap internals which save construction costs, but pass along extra costs to the buyer at install and they don't stand behind their warranty worth a damn. I should know, I have a piece of junk 5 Ton unit that I can't get them to answer my calls to fix.

If you'd like a quality unit the company will actually stand behind, look up Chillking and their systems. I've been using their equipment for over 5 years and it's rock solid reliable- and easy to integrate into your cooling water system with zero 'special' requirements!


Well-Known Member
Hmm I thought dude from chillking owned both of them.... I still use their six inch heat exchangers and water cooled co2 gen.... So it goes... So Surna took over the water chilling accessory game eh...


Well-Known Member
Hmm I thought dude from chillking owned both of them.... I still use their six inch heat exchangers and water cooled co2 gen.... So it goes... So Surna took over the water chilling accessory game eh...
No, Surna took over the whole company. Chillking is a completely different company. They helped the guys start Hydro Innovations years ago. I gave Steve Keen and his buddy a ride around Ft Collins one day while they were shopping for a location to move their company to Colorado and tried repeatedly to get involved with then to do collaborative projects, all were refuffed.

A couple of years ago they were bought out by a billionaire big shot named Steve Bollich and taken public under a new name, Surna. The equipment suddenly became more cheaply made, they stopped taking phone calls for warranty claims (always in 'important meetings', as if taking care of a paying customer ISN'T?) and in general quit acting like the customer friendly operation they were before the takeover.


Well-Known Member
While we're on the subject of accessories, Surna is in the habit of buying equipment from other HVAC manufacturers, painting their own logo on it and then shipping it on to the unsuspecting customer for a 300% markup.

The discerning customer can always find better HVAC equipment somewhere else for less money than through them.


Well-Known Member
Steve was a cool dude. It was his brainchild. When I got my first hydrogen I mixed up the cool and hot lines to the gen and wondered why it didn't work. I called the company expecting to talk with a level 1 tech. Nope the fucking call went straight to Steve and he was tech support too. After that they started labeling their cool and hot input outputs.... Small world man... So I still have the ladder that I was building that room with and his cell phone number is still written on it.. It's been six years or so; I should call just to see if he picks up..

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
For any readers in Canada that are thinking about changing their setup to chilled water I would recommend looking at Maritime geothermal. They make water to water, air to water systems up to 6 tons that can be used for both space heating and cooling as well as chilled water with one unit. Very well built and excellent tech support.


Well-Known Member
Steve was a cool dude. It was his brainchild. When I got my first hydrogen I mixed up the cool and hot lines to the gen and wondered why it didn't work. I called the company expecting to talk with a level 1 tech. Nope the fucking call went straight to Steve and he was tech support too. After that they started labeling their cool and hot input outputs.... Small world man... So I still have the ladder that I was building that room with and his cell phone number is still written on it.. It's been six years or so; I should call just to see if he picks up..
He used to be the owner. Now he's 'president', whatever that means.

I'm not here to shit talk on people, I'm here to tell it like it is. Here's how it is; Surna sells over priced equipment that they then demand you alter your system to accommodate- because brazed plate heat exchangers are cheaper for them.

Chillking builds chillers that are so advanced because Paul King has a graduate degree in refrigeration engineering. The units are patented, they use his designs. Why is that good? Because they aren't flow or pressure sensitive AT ALL, they just damn well work like a chiller should.

Every Chillking unit I've ever used has performed beyond expectations. One has been not only cooling my op but heating my home for the last four winters, simultaneously.

By contrast, NO Surna unit has EVER performed satisfactorily for me, despite the accusations of their tech support staff that 'I'm not running it right'.

Nuff said.