Anyone get hummingbirds on their tomato cages?

I have at least 4 Rufous Hummingbirds hanging around. They'll sit on a branch just a couple feet away when I'm refilling the feeders watching me.

We only get Ruby throated.... I just remember a while back reading something on "THE INTERNET", that hummings birds never perch. Since then I've seen them perch on the feeder, perch on the fence, perch on branches, so when he did so on a tomato cage I finally took a picture and got curious as he kept coming back. I hope he comes back next year.... He's cool, I wake up in the morning have my coffee doing bong hits sitting at the "nook" looking out the picture window and he's hanging out. In fact he hangs out in the damn thunderstorm too, lol! As he did today.

In the spring time they will come to the picture window and tap on the window if we don't have the feeder out there when they get here. They're demanding little "suckers"... lol!

Ok, so last summer, I had 2 male cannabis plants in my front garden, the ones pictured in my avatar as sa matter of fact...

Anyway, I have one of the most incredible bee videos you may have ever seen, I have never seen so many bumble bees on one plant in my whole life. Like no joke, 25-30 bumbles all over the entire plant, each plant.... You sit back and watch the entire plant start moving... It was amazing.

I always see a few in our flower and herb gardens but, they LOVED those male plants.

I had no idea that bumbles were so attracted to weed plants. I also got a little worried because I saw the bees had these two sacks on either side of their thorax and thought maybe that they got a disease or some cancer or something...

But apparently these are pollen collectors?