Anyone from Japan here?

Wanting to learn about the marijuana culture in Japan. If anyone from the area could PM me, I'd be interested to discuss some things. Thanks.

Oh yeah, I've heard of a user named JapanFreak, know nothing of him, just heard the name come up in my time of being on RIU, I prefer this user doesn't contact me from what I have heard you kind of suck, no offense. (Not even sure if he's from Japan, but yeah...)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I'm not from Japan. Just a forewarning. But I have been to Japan a handful of times. I can tell you one thing for sure, it sucks. The laws are fucking ridiculous and I hope you don't plan on traveling there and buying because the prices are just as ridiculous for good reason. It's like the Japanese Inquisition but for marijuana. :( I do love Japanese people. :D Wiley bastards.
I'm not from Japan. Just a forewarning. But I have been to Japan a handful of times. I can tell you one thing for sure, it sucks. The laws are fucking ridiculous and I hope you don't plan on traveling there and buying because the prices are just as ridiculous for good reason. It's like the Japanese Inquisition but for marijuana. :( I do love Japanese people. :D Wiley bastards.
Well, I'm conducting interviews, not travelling to the area myself. I want to do an interview with someone from there, for my magazine. Due to RIU policy I won't name the magazine at question (advertising possibly?) but I would like to do a spread on the culture of marijuana outside the US. I already have an article in production for Canada, so I wouldn't mind getting one from Japan now. Just to give readers a broader perspective on what it's like in other areas, most Americans in particular know nothing about marijuana in other countries, such as the laws, growing conditions, prices, etc. I would like them to know because many Americans travel & imo would need that information. Thanks though for the little info. provided, sounds like it really does suck down there, as far as marijuana goes, lol...

& for the rest of you, sorry I wasn't trying to be a dick/rude to that user (JapanFreak) I just haven't heard the best things of him. The last thing I need is faulty info. in my mag.