Anyone ever used GoGnats?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever used the GoGnats spray or the concentrate? I hear its amazing but I wanted to get other opinions.

Besides neem oil, sand or Gnatrol...Does anyone have other tried and true methods of Fungas Gnat elimination?

I've got sticky traps and windy conditions, but Im needing to up the fire power.


Well-Known Member
Diatomaceous Earth is, IMO, a great way to control pesky fungus gnats....just sprinkle a little of it on the surface of works very well and is non toxic. Just avoid breathing in the dust when applying.
Most good garden supply type stores carry it.

How does it work?
To insects DE is a lethal dust with microscopic razor sharp edges. These sharp edges cut through the insect's protective covering drying it out and killing them when they are either dusted with DE or if it applied as a wettable powder spray. If they ingest the DE it will shred their insides.
Diatomaceous Earth

Freshwater, food-grade Diatomaceous Earth for insect and parasite control


Active Member
I had a huge gnat problem with my last crop. My stickey tabs were over whelmed. I got some goGnats today but not sure if it will solve the problem with my next crop. I don't want to see any gnats this time cause they really effed up my ish. :evil:


Well-Known Member
just added gognats to my rez yestarday. will keep up to date for results. so far over night no wilting from the ladys

Also. just looked in the rez see a few dead larvae floating pretty happy so far :D


Well-Known Member
well its been a few weeks an it looks good. saw only one gnat since i added the gognats. used 3/4th the strength. deff recommend this shit


Well-Known Member
well its been a few weeks an it looks good. saw only one gnat since i added the gognats. used 3/4th the strength. deff recommend this shit
Does GoGnats have a strong odor of Cedar... because it listed Cedar oil as an ingredient? And it will be nice to hear back from you later for a report on whether your plants pick up any taste from the cedar oil........I know I am really sick of these little gnat bastards, every time I open my cabinets they start flying around in my face.:evil:


GoGnats does have a strong cedar smell, which is nice in my opinion. It disappears quickly. I sprayed GoGnats on different strains about 2 months old in veg and it lightly burned most of them by creating a white "spotting" on the leaves.. I mixed less than the bottle recommended. I currently use it as an "area spray" to discourage insects from getting near the garden. I spray the outsides of containers, walls and floor and the top layer of soil from time to time. GoGnats does not seem to "kill" gnats over here, but just keep then moving. So i see GoGnats as an aid to having sticky traps...The GoGnats keeps the adults flying around/dazed and the sticky traps catch them.

The SURE SHOT way i've found to get rid of Fungus Gnats is using Azatrol or Azamax. I use 1.5 Tablespoons in a gallon of water, and water each plant with tiny bit of runoff. repeat 10-14 days later, you'll not see them again. Azatrol is a slow working product, it poisons the gnats, and it takes a week for them to die off, but when they do, its for good.. I do this a couple times a year and it keeps them away. Use stick traps to "monitor" the pressure by them. I put a piece of a stick trap on the topsoil of each plant. once you see a gnat stuck to all traps, you know you've got a problem on your hands. Hit em with Azatrol/Azamax drench and watch them disappear after a few days.

beans davis

Well-Known Member
Gognats works great for me, i add it to my rez per directions.For the gnats flying around use redwine vinager in a cup 1/2 full they will go to these.The ones flying around won't hurt you they don't live long,the larva in your roots is whats bad.Useing this method iv'e never had to spray my plants.
Where i live gnats are horrible,sometimes i use gnatrol in rez as a preventive.
In Cali it was spider mites here it's gnats,Always something lol.
Hope this helps