Anyone ever spend some time in a sensory deprivation tank?


Active Member
I have an appointment with the only place in my state that does this and i just wanted to hear experiences of others. I heard it's a great way to find enlightenment and see into yourself a little deeper.


Well-Known Member
I have spent hundreds of hours in a tank and hundreds more babysitting others. I've experimented in a tank with K, DMT, LSD and mescaline - the tank changes everything.


Well-Known Member
Whoa canndo thats awesome Im gonna have to follow in your footsteps
Set up a code with your spotter, never be in the tank under the influence of anything without someone - someone responsible - outside of the tank. Set up a system to have your spotter realign his attention to you and your situation every half hour, a flashing light, a bell, something to catch his attention as he will be bored and if he reads (what I did most) he will lose sight of what he is there for and forget about you.

Rig a way to pipe sound into your tank if you can and arrange with your spotter the types of music you would like to hear and when, it should be turned on or off. (we tried simply pumping sound into the tank and it does not work, you need earphones - the echo otherwise will drive you nuts in short order as you will be concentrating all of your attention first to the music and then back in to yourself - that is if you want music. Silence is great - word loops are very interesting and will take you to some extraordinary places - even if you don't use any chemicals at all. I once tried books on tape while on a low dose of acid - I will leave that to your imagination. NOT taking anything and being in a tank takes longer to hook in but once you do, everything is moved within yourself.

You can experiment with witch's chairs, or even soft white hemispheres over your eyes and noise canceling headphones if you cannot get to a tank.

I found the k to be the most disorienting and least "secure". Interestingly some of the other chemicals are far more calm and directable.

If you are interested, pick up some books by John C. Lilly, especially "center of the cyclone" about his experiences with LSD in tanks - there is another one but I can't seem to recall it.


Active Member
well guys I did it. it was pretty much what i expected. first, i was in 11 inches of water in 800 lb of Epsom salt and the water was at body temperature. Needless to say, once you get comfortable it's pure paralysis. My 1 hr. time felt like 15 min. Before going in i chose topics in my life to dwell and meditate about it. Being in the tank and not being distracted by other stimuli literally just leaves you with your brain in the tank. In there i learned that i need to take the bad with the good and love life unconditionally, I could be clicking my tongue in africa somewhere; what am i bitching about. As for the hallucinations, I had a couple auditory and a few visual but they weren't anything i couldn't close my eyes and imagine. After getting out of the tank, i was disoriented for about an hour but colors had never been brighter; even smells were so pure and pleasant. All in all, i recommend this to anyone who wants to relieve muscle pain. Never in our lives have we been off of our bodies since birth. It's great to have the salts help the aches and sores of the body. Wish i could explain better, i would say it was almost an out of body exp. but in a sense that my body left me, i didn't leave my body. Thanks for reading.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Back in the day...and I'm going to be 64...when I was studying for exams I'd use an inside bathroom, fill the tub with hot water and something odiferous, and turn out the lights. I found it completely relaxing being in hot water in a completely dark room. The only bad part was that the water cooled down too quickly. I agree that colors looked more intense people told me after hypnosis..yes I can do that, too. I think it's a matter of being so relaxed that you become a lot more aware...for a short time. Then life smacks you back to where you were.
My $0.02 after taxes LOL


Well-Known Member
well guys I did it. it was pretty much what i expected. first, i was in 11 inches of water in 800 lb of Epsom salt and the water was at body temperature. Needless to say, once you get comfortable it's pure paralysis. My 1 hr. time felt like 15 min. Before going in i chose topics in my life to dwell and meditate about it. Being in the tank and not being distracted by other stimuli literally just leaves you with your brain in the tank. In there i learned that i need to take the bad with the good and love life unconditionally, I could be clicking my tongue in africa somewhere; what am i bitching about. As for the hallucinations, I had a couple auditory and a few visual but they weren't anything i couldn't close my eyes and imagine. After getting out of the tank, i was disoriented for about an hour but colors had never been brighter; even smells were so pure and pleasant. All in all, i recommend this to anyone who wants to relieve muscle pain. Never in our lives have we been off of our bodies since birth. It's great to have the salts help the aches and sores of the body. Wish i could explain better, i would say it was almost an out of body exp. but in a sense that my body left me, i didn't leave my body. Thanks for reading.

An HOUR? just an HOUR? man, you got to save your pennies and be in there no less than 4 and more likely 6 or even 8 if you want to get the affects from isolation straight. Yet a witches chair if you don't have the money to get your own tank. I don't know how much they are any more, we paid something like $2000 for ours - a loooong time ago.


Well-Known Member
Back in the day...and I'm going to be 64...when I was studying for exams I'd use an inside bathroom, fill the tub with hot water and something odiferous, and turn out the lights. I found it completely relaxing being in hot water in a completely dark room. The only bad part was that the water cooled down too quickly. I agree that colors looked more intense people told me after hypnosis..yes I can do that, too. I think it's a matter of being so relaxed that you become a lot more aware...for a short time. Then life smacks you back to where you were.
My $0.02 after taxes LOL

so.... they finally figured out how to tax our opinions? Damn.


Active Member
An HOUR? just an HOUR? man, you got to save your pennies and be in there no less than 4 and more likely 6 or even 8 if you want to get the affects from isolation straight. Yet a witches chair if you don't have the money to get your own tank. I don't know how much they are any more, we paid something like $2000 for ours - a loooong time ago.
Yeah dude the place said 2 hour max. But I agree with you. Nonetheless, my body feels great and it was nice to just be with my brain; if even only for an hour. What about doing shrooms then hopping in for an hour?


Well-Known Member
I have not, but it sounds awesome...
Like a great place to think...
I would need to spend a long time though to really get in there, ya know...