Anyone ever purchased a monster grow tent?


Well-Known Member
Wondering if anyone has ever done business with monster gardens? Is their products top quality? Or would it be wiser to buy everything needed individually instead of their grow package? I'm thinking about buying a grow tent package from them and am just wanting a little feedback before I do so. Thanks
I would personally stay away from "packages"
Lets break it down...
1. That light is crap. it will fill that room with heat and kill whatever you grow. you MUST have a vented hood with HPS/MH period
2. Quantum Ballast is great you should get one they offer dimming ballasts too. I only use Quantum for my T5
3. the can filter and fan ya its a filter... and a fan.. get those anywhere... i would suggest THESE Just wash them with water and ta-da new filter!
4. No growing medium pots etc?? thats a ripoff! try these pots are perfect in every way..!!
5. The tent... well its a tent what more do you need theres a variety of tents out there..they are all approx the same some better quality than others.. personally hydrohut makes a great product but whatever tickles your fancy.
800$ huh doesent sound like a deal to me? hell THIS KIT is 400 and you get more for your $$$
Did you ever buy from them, looking at tent there now. thanks...

I personally now own a secret jardin II its MINT! i used to own that exact tent from HTG it served me well for 3 seasons.. now its old and saggin and smells funny! so i bought a secret jardin just because i needed an upgrade!