Anyone ever heard of a plant not flowering?


Active Member
when you want to flower your plants put them in 24-48hours dark, then put them on 12/12. you should see signs of sexing in around 2weeks.

ive never heard of a plant not flowering, but if yours doesnt my only guess would be bad genetics/seed

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Well im having a problem I cant get my plants to flower does anyone have any suggestions?
How long did you veg? How long have you been in the flower cycle? what nutes are you using? what are the temps during the day and night what is the humidity? What is the strain? Is it Indica or Sativa? A little more info would be helpful.
well heres the deal ive been growing some lowlife auto bb for 60 days now I grew it for 40 then put it under 12/12 cause it didnt start to flower and its been flowering for 20 days and nothing and it showed sex at around day 20