Anyone ever have heat problems with 400 or 600 air cooled HPS?


im curious if anyone ever had heat problems with a 400-600 watt HPS with a 6" cool tupe hood? Im asking because i purchased a 4ft 6 bulb T-5 for veg & suppliment it with about 130 true watts of CFL's. The room is warm (about 80 degrees with the lights on) & 88-89 degrees under the lights. I also have fans blowing on the lights themselves. It's only a small 10' X 11' bedroom but I even shut the heat vent & its basically still winter here so when the lights are off it drops down to about 60 in that room. Im gonna be flowering in a 6 or 7' X 3 ft room (haven't built it yet). Im curious if I decide to purchase a HPS either 400 or 600 watter, will it still run hot even if I have a air cooled hood? Or will I have to make a makeshift A/C unit outta a small beverage cooler? Thanks in advance. T


Yes it is possible to still have heat issues. I would recommend setting it up as soon as possible and get the light turned on to see how hot it will get, then you can deal with just the heat, not the plants suffering in the heat while you are trying to fix the heat issue. If you do have heat issues it may be too much to a homemade a/c and you may have to get a real a/c for it.


Yes it is possible to still have heat issues. I would recommend setting it up as soon as possible and get the light turned on to see how hot it will get, then you can deal with just the heat, not the plants suffering in the heat while you are trying to fix the heat issue. If you do have heat issues it may be too much to a homemade a/c and you may have to get a real a/c for it.

Im gonna give that a shot. Thank You & rep

Anyone else have this problem happen with a air cooled hood?


RIU Bulldog
I have a 400 watt air cooled mh/hps and I haven't had any heat issues at all. My fan is an inline blower thats rated at only 170 cfm. My grow space is only 2 1/2ft x 3 1/2ft x 8ft, and the room runs at about 68 degrees F right now (its winter here) in the morning, and 75 degrees F during the day. Honestly, I have more trouble keeping the room hot right now. Sometimes I turn off the blower to raise the temperature in the room a few degrees.