anyone ever had to pop the top off a grow cabin before??


Well-Known Member
I'm just desperate for ideas, is all i'm a couple weeks into flower 2-3 and she's out grown the 6ft cab in pretty much every direction the only one i'm really worrying about is the vertical because last night she grew just enough to burn on the light. i was thinking about unscrewing the lid and maybe putting some 2 by 4's in between the old top and where it was connected to literally "Raise the Roof" any other ideas as to how to do this and or stop verticle growth most of the flowers are growing from the bottom up already but there's like 2 that refuse to stop getting taller (Tried topping) is it too late to top again (pictures of cab in grow journal linked in my sig.) i'll put up some new ones here in a minute. Please help


Well-Known Member
I am about to encounter the same thing. I have seen guys on here say to tie them with panty hose and pull them down some, I think that is what I am going to do, it would seem to help get light into the part of the plant that is being shaded by the spears as well.

Good luck, I am not an expert so I hope you get the answers you are looking for.


Well-Known Member
I do not think so but I have not done it before. What I was going to do is anchor them to something on the floor, that would pull them down a little and away from the light, as well as give the middle of the plant some more light. Now like I stated before, I am not an expert so maybe a few others will come in and tell us what is the right thing to do.


Well-Known Member
pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Tie to the floor or the stalks. it works better to tie to floor though or side of pots.

Try using weights o r as I do with my 2 footers, drill holes to the pots on tie them there.


Well-Known Member
can't put anything on bottom- theres a tub o water that has already been rigged out of necessity (plants got too heavy and fell through) here's some pics from today. more pics in journal



Well-Known Member
pic after raising the roof...keep it mind it's slightly dark b/c the hps but you can see we taped (3) two by fours on either side and set the lid on top to give an extra few inches for growth witch fingers crossed should be enough because most of the em are not lurching skyward anymore.



Active Member
looks good...problem seems to be solved, now if it becomes a problem again i would suggest to tie the main stem to a side. either to the side of the pot, the floor, or the side of your grow hut...congrats too, looking healthy!