Anyone ever been a sugar daddy??

"So down I go like a 2000 flushes! I can tell I'm doing somethin right by the way that she blushes! She's the one that's speechless I'm the one that's tong tied! She's thinking holy mackarel! I'm thinkin tuna on the side!"

I have no idea but this one

is equally hilarious... :blsmoke::P

I use to go on a wacked up gambling site called and they had all types of threads on there way crazier than this.. I got kicked out for asking people if they had anywhere to bet.
I'm almost 40 and have health issues which are tinnitus from jaw and neck issues.. I don't want anyone full time.
Im younger than you but ive been part time for years. Just gotta find an independent woman that can take care of herself and doesnt want to be with you every second of every day.