Anyone Else Work All Day?


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if there is anyone else that enjoys RIU all day while they are at work.... or am I the only one?

what is your job? (if you have one)

I'm the accounting assistent for a small appliance parts business


Active Member
i wish. i work at 711 3rd shift.
only entertainment i get is burning j's with customers.

not to bad now that i think about it. :joint:


Well-Known Member
no it's not, I don't get to burn all day cause I'm sitting in a fuckin cubicle, I only get to smoke during lunch... and even then I got to watch my back very closly... my work is not even 2 blocks from the county police station.


Active Member
i understand that. my job was pretty similar besides the police station being so close. it wasnt far and there were always different undercover cops nearby. never worried about them to much though.


New Member
I can't work, nor am I able to. I have a physical condition that employers refuse to hire me because of. I get to burn all day every day. I am never not stoned if I'm awake I am blazed. But some times it is dry and......
My wife says I'm an asshole when I am not stoned, lol....


Well-Known Member
unfortunately I have to.... I already got shit on my record, the last thing I need is to spend time in the joint. not able to smoke a joint. I got cops that drive by constantly, it blows a big one.


Well-Known Member
I can't work, nor am I able to. I have a physical condition that employers refuse to hire me because of. I get to burn all day every day. I am never not stoned if I'm awake I am blazed. But some times it is dry and......
My wife says I'm an asshole when I am not stoned, lol....
what's the condition? that's fucked up that you can't get hired to do anything. is there really nothing that you are physically capable of doing? or are they just being discriminatory?


New Member
I have a brain disorder that causes me to have seizures, I was born dead only half of my brain works. Employers view me as a risk as I injure myself very often.


Well-Known Member
I'm basically retired,just grow a little , so I guess I can spend my time as I wish after the daily chores are done.


Well-Known Member
I have a brain disorder that causes me to have seizures, I was born dead only half of my brain works. Employers view me as a risk as I injure myself very often.
well that sucks, I'm sorry to hear that... it's good you get to sit at home and smoke all day though :-P


Well-Known Member
being retired is good... already been through the shit I am doing... so I guess I am the only one that hangs out here all day that works all day huh? who'd a thunk it.


Well-Known Member
I work the PC all day/night/weekends/holidays.
Self employed. More freedom, but much less money.
rollitup is my social life. The rest of the world are squares.


Well-Known Member
I work the PC all day/night/weekends/holidays.
Self employed. More freedom, but much less money.
rollitup is my social life. The rest of the world are squares.
nice, so you work from home then? I wish I could do that, unfortunately I'm not really computer savey, at least, not as far as making money that way. some day....