Herb & Suds
Well-Known Member
Think Weedvin on crackYou post too much.
Think Weedvin on crackYou post too much.
I've never seen such fake blubbering before in my life!
The kid has been coached well, but he was fake crying and faking emotions.
shooting someone in the back in self defense (two weeks after saying on video that i want to shoot and kill protesters)What Chavin did wasn’t self defense. This was.
in the backThey attacked him and he shot them.
kenosha has not been burned down you hysterical bitch.The fascists were the ones burning the town down
oh no not skateboards!You had adults riding around on skateboards
i'd wear both
hes on tape beating up a girlIt was a good kid
kenosha has not been burned down you hysterical bitch.
And yet no tearshe cries more than any women i know assaulted.
And yet no tears
the prosecutor's cross-examination of Rittenhouse was brutal for the defense.
among other things, Rittenhouse admitted one of his victims did nothing other than kick him, another victim he shot for having a gun in his hand that was not pointed at Rittenhouse. He also described his reason for being in the area was to protect a particular store, then admitted the cops moved protestors out of the area making his initial reason irrelevant. Rittenhouse said he stayed in the area to administer first aid, but rather than provide medical assistance to anyone he shot multiple people and then ran away even as one of them called out for help with the gunshot wound.
That sounds like it is right out of the Trump playbookCrying Kyle got himself in a scary situation due to wanting to play Rambo and found out that his courage was lacking. He paniced and started spraying bullets. The little pussy.
her name is wendy rittenhouse you assIma wear a bunch of bananas in the gorilla cage, whatchathink?