Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

whoa drones! Rosenbaum lunge barely happened; you could see the smoke from Rittenhouse gun just as the lunge occurs.

Rittenhouse had time to turn and level one off then circled around trying to be an innocent bystander.

Rittenhouse is guilty as charged..he won't get the max because of extenuating circumstances that he's a child and the gun should have been locked up.
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If I'm need medical attention I'm not picky who treats me. Not the hill to die on if you know what I mean.

And Rittenhouse was helping putting out the anarchists started fires too.
Sheeeeit. I bet damn near every weekend in the small rural town I went to high school in had a bonfire going.

The white privelaged trolling is such bullshit. If it is white kids doing it, it is just good old fashion fun, but as soon as it is minorities, it is crime.

whoa drones! Rosenbaum lunge barely happened; you could see the smoke from Rittenhouse gun just as the lunge occurs.

Rittenhouse had time to turn and level one off then circled around trying to be an innocent bystander.

Rittenhouse is guilty as charged..he won't get the max because of extenuating circumstances.
We will see. But yeah a good rifle butt to the face would have ended up with a lot less dead bodies on this radicalized idiot's rap sheet.
dude you did it don't you dare look away from autopsy- see WHAT YOU DID?

they should wallpaper his cell with those photos.
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I do not now nor have i ever had a "righty" or "pro republican" stance. Im a nuanced person with widely varying array of thoughts and opinions.

Id be closer to embracing and desiring libertarianism or even anarchism than any right vs left garbage. if you need to slap labels on things. I make an effort to not have bias when making judgements, FAR too much willing and blatant partisan crap everywhere. this place isnt the only echo chamber circle jerk of social justice warriors, its fucking everywhere unfortunately.

I understand that's your perspective, but from what we've seen around here and out in the world, is that libertarians are just veiled republicans that are extra cranky and extra kooky, about halfway between republicans and q-tards. And we've all seen the rise in people that don't like trump and don't believe the election was stolen but have suddenly embraced anarchism as a result, and they definitely don't want to use anarchism as a means of changing election results in the future, no definitely not that. Which, of course, it all reeks of horseshit.
I understand that's your perspective, but from what we've seen around here and out in the world, is that libertarians are just veiled republicans that are extra cranky and extra kooky, about halfway between republicans and q-tards. And we've all seen the rise in people that don't like trump and don't believe the election was stolen but have suddenly embraced anarchism as a result, and they definitely don't want to use anarchism as a means of changing election results in the future, no definitely not that. Which, of course, it all reeks of horseshit.
He just says Libertarian cause he can’t handle Tea Bagger
He just says Libertarian cause he can’t handle Tea Bagger

Just drop 'em on in there!

lead defense is a dick and people are very nervous with him holding the AR while little monster is snickering- guess it's all a joke.

you cannot re-create in the courtroom what was on the street:wall:

so now they're having Press file by and then Jury..WTF Bruh?

where's Binger? i'd be objecting.
whoa drones! Rosenbaum lunge barely happened; you could see the smoke from Rittenhouse gun just as the lunge occurs.
You dont "barely" lunge for a loaded firearm. you do or you dont.

play riot with weapons in the streets if youd like (even though im sure all you keyboard justice warriors stayed home lol) just be prepared to deal with the consequences of doing so.

The retired ex cop was a piggy who deserved to die but the kid fucker playing loot and smash lunging for a scary MACHINE GUN is a tragedy. Thoughts and prayers,

I bet there were many completely innocent folks in the streets that night protesting actual injustices done to them without choosing to commit violence, the dude who got arrested by "the pigs" for touching kid's naughty parts wasnt fucking one of them. May he Rest In Piss. RIP.
You dont "barely" lunge for a loaded firearm. you do or you dont.

play riot with weapons in the streets if youd like (even though im sure all you keyboard justice warriors stayed home lol) just be prepared to deal with the consequences of doing so.

The retired ex cop was a piggy who deserved to die but the kid fucker playing loot and smash lunging for a scary MACHINE GUN is a tragedy. Thoughts and prayers,

I bet there were many completely innocent folks in the streets that night protesting actual injustices done to them without choosing to commit violence, the dude who got arrested by "the pigs" for touching kid's naughty parts wasnt fucking one of them. May he Rest In Piss. RIP.
You sure seem obsessed by the ex post facto sex offender.
News flash: murder beats sex crimes.
News flash: murder beats sex crimes.
ew. fuck that. I will pray to your made up god that ALL pedos happen to venture into the streets to commit crimes and they just so happen to run into a kid with a MACHINE GUN they try to disarm. your disregard for human life ends with retired ex cops on the way home to their families? how unfortunate. mine goes a bit further than that.

I wish that happened every day actually. sometimes when justice fails pedos still end up where they belong. bleeding in the street with their pussy souls leaving their body. thoughts and prayers. ;)
deputys actually caught someone recording the jurors this morning while getting transported to the court. All they did was make the guy delete the video. he is going to get off free
Kenosha Police Department Detective Ben Antaramian, a prosecution witness, admitted under cross-examination Monday in Kenosha County Court that Kyle Rittenhouse only shot people who chased him….

The cross-examination continued:
Chirafisi: You saw other people that were kind of — it wasn’t a two or three-person chase, there were multiple people kind of around Mr. Rittenhouse, some of them brandishing weapons, correct?
Antaramian: There were people — and there were people that were armed, absolutely.
Chirafisi: And those people who didn’t attack him — he didn’t fire at them, did he?
Antaramian: Correct.
Chirafisi: The only people that he fired at were people that had either kicked him, hit him with something, or pulled a gun on him when he’s running down Sheridan Road, right?
Antaramian: I would agree with that statement.
Chirafisi: And after he — initially, when he sees Gaige Grosskreutz, you’d agree when Mr. Grosskreutz’s hands are up, he doesn’t fire?
Antaramian: Correct.
Chirafisi: There is a person — to Mr. Grosskreutz’s — it would be his left — with a metal pipe. Do you remember that?
Antaramian: I don’t –earlier, you called it a wooden club — I don’t know that I’ve ever seen wooden, or — off, fairly off in the distance there’s a metal pipe, yes.
Chirafisi: So people who are armed, he doesn’t fire at any of those people, does he?
Antaramian: Correct.
Chirafisi: After the shooting, I counted — and I don’t, I’m not asking you for the specific number — but there’s multiple shots fired after Mr. Rittenhouse fires his last shot, right?
Antaramian: Correct.
Chirafisi: I counted ten, but there’s multiple, right?
Antaramian: Agreed.
Chirafisi: He never turns and fires in that direction, does he?
Antaramian: No.

Rittenhouse shot a man who presented no threat to him. He shot the guy in the back while he was moving away from him. That is a fact. He was asked to call 911 and did not. He called a friend and told him he had just shot somebody. That is a fact. With that knowlege in mind, he walked right past the police while others were yelling that he had shot somebody. That is a fact. It is a fact that he fled justice, crossed state borders and was a fugitive from justice when arrested. Rittenhouse did not behave like an innocent man during and after the moments he shot those people that is my opinion based upon those facts.

But I think the real and honest scrutiny of what happened will happen in court and I don't know what those jurors are going to decide.

“Dr Doug Kelley, a forensic pathologist with the Milwaukee county medical examiner’s office, said Rosenbaum was shot by someone within 4ft. Rosenbaum’s hand, he said, was “in close proximity or in contact with the end of that rifle”.

Kelley said Rosenbaum was shot four times: in the groin, hand and thigh as he faced Rittenhouse and then in the back.”

I was under the impression he shot him in the back only too, but as you mentioned after more scrutiny more context will be made known