Anyone else like Rudy?


Well-Known Member
see this is were i think people get blind sided, because people tell a story a diffrent way, and leave certain stuff out.

of course sadaam was tryin to kill Bush Sr. Sadaam was going to invade Kuwait, and we came and set up shop in kuwait, sayin gotta get threw us first, so yeah Sadaam was pissed, i bet sadaam tried to kill bush, but thats not the only reason Jr went there, first off, we shoulda been doing what were doing now back when we first went there, but we pulled out for some reason. I meen like i said earlier, you just gotta stop looking at the bull shit in the news, and just look at the situation, sadaam was sitting on one of the biggest oil supply's in the world, he was'nt useing it for his people, he was useing it for his own greed, he was a dictator. someone had to go dethrown him, and it just so happend to be us. its not like we just carpet bombed the whole place, we took the oil yes, but were gonna make iraq a better iraq.

and for the Ron Paul guy, this country wouldnt be were it is today if we just tucked tail and minded our own business, this country would be shit. you cannot run a country like that, you just cant. Yes world peace sounds great, John Lennons songs sound really good too.

but you also gotta look at what would happen if we did pull outta the middle east, It'd be hell over there, these radical islamists would start takeing over shit, it'd be like a fuckin Northern Africa(or south whichever is all fuckin fucked up). were a country willing to step in and help those people out, even though yes, we do have somthing in it for us also. but aint nothin free in this world.
Okay... You asked for reasons that rudy shouldn't be president. You addressed everything in my post but the reason I gave you. He is a One Trick Pony. All the publicity and street cred he squeezed out of 9/11 is due to a horrible error in judgement on his part. Do you realize that it was more than Six hours before there was a central command set up on 9/11. Rudy was running around the streets because he had nowhere to go and didn't know what to do. Not because he was some great general mustering his troops, altho this is how the media spun it.

Okay, now that that's out of the way, in your response you say:
"we shoulda been doing what were doing now back when we first went there, but we pulled out for some reason."

Do you know why? Dick Cheney, who was Secretary of Defense during Desert Storm, advised against going into Iraq and taking Saddam out! Golly. Annother guy with a personal agenda.


Well-Known Member
Don't think that I'll be buying your alcohol for you. Your mother would never approve!
Hahaha Your almost right. I'm 20 but I'll be 21 by next year's Marley Fest....So are you just old and bitter or have no friends or haven't got laid in a long time? I know it has to be one of the three.


New Member
LoL I think I found the problem here. Send me some pics. If your not bad looking I might be able to hook you up after Marley Fest:hump: LMAO!!
The problem here is that a 20 year old kid thinks he is wise beyond his years and doesn't understand the nature of the world he lives in. Have fun at Marley Fest, loser. You wouldn't catch me dead there, with all the malcontents. Great music, don't get me wrong. But, Marley would laugh if he saw all the losers he spawned. His message went far beyond the "words" you like to sing along to. A bunch of whiney dread head white kids who travel around on their parents dime while they condemn the "man" (daddy) and the establishment (their life), praising the teachings of Bob Marley. Yeah, he'd laugh in your face. Have fun!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


New Member
Yup cuz your right about everything:hump:...I keep my head shaved. You'd probably think I was a skin head if you saw me.
What, your nappy dreads got so infested with lice and other vermin that you had to shave your head? Or, did it not bother your filthy ass, but, mommy said that if you would shave those nappy dreads she would finance your broke ass on a trip to Marley Fest? Better make sure they don't rent out your room while your gone!


Well-Known Member
how bout u try reading this thread, not one person gives any valid statement about how guiliani is bad, i just see alot of people talkin shit to me or boasting about how more educated than i they are, or telling me to read news papers outside of the country and blah blah blah. not one fuckin reason why guiliani is bad.

and i dont follow this shit much, i just know i like his stance on the war, i like what he did for new yorks economy, yada yada. pretty much its not that i like him, its that i dont like anyone else besides him.

Obama's a fuck
hillary's not bad... but i dunno if i like her stance on the war, she makes it unclear also were she stands and plans to do with it.
ron paul is just fuckin, dumb. and i really believe you guys only like him cause he'll legalize pot, but he's talkin about stopping the whole war on drugs in general, which is crazy, what let cocaine and heroin flood in here? puhhhleeeze. and like i said pulling all the troops?????
Mccain dont have a chance
edwards dont have a chance
and huckabee is fuckin dumb too.

but yeah whatever, i read your other posts Medicine man, and my suspicion was right, you sit on here all day, in this forum specificly, and post stupid bull shit you find on the internet all day. and you got that iblazethekush fag and the otherguy backing you up in all your posts. you losers have fun now, i will leave the politics section alone, dont have time to hang with you waste of lifes. BTW, you really need to stfu with your Anti-American bull shit, cause if i heard u sayin that shit in the bar, i'd beat the fuck outta you. if you dont like this country leave, plain and simple, dont sit around dogging on it, disrespecting all the people who died for you to have the life that you do, just so you can sit around and trash the country that has been good to you. maybe in a next life you can be born in africa or a poor russian village, and fuckin wish everyday to be in this great fuckin country.
haha just read what you just wrote, were gonna need to give you a Confucius name tag , what would you say for the reason of beating someone ass because they suggested that maybe you should be a little more open minded about what people i the world think of our home im not anti american i was raised by a military dad who served 20 years i will proudly say im from america but i will listen to what people have to say.
and only recently have even been intrested in politcs and what got me intrested was learning that canada passed our dollar up so i did some research, and i learned of a new awareness. ive had the chance to travel all over the world, live in 3 countries and live all over the united states.
places have been a great learning experience for me.


Well-Known Member
I'd take Guiliani over any Democrat running this time around. I like the way Guiliani handled 9-11 ...
before you call him a hero for 9/11, you might want to consider how the firefighters who lost their lives view him.

Families of firefighters killed in the Sept. 11 terror attacks on the World Trade Center rallied in Orlando Tuesday in anticipation of the state's upcoming Republican primary. Unfortunately for Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, the firefighters are not in his corner.
"We want America to know that [the Giuliani campaign] is lying to America and to the American pubic," said Jim Riches, a deputy chief in the New York Fire Department, "telling all of Florida that the New York City Fire Department backs him, when that's another lie."
Firefighters and their families vowed to dog the former New York mayor at all of his Florida campaign stops because the state figures prominently in Giuliani's big-state primary strategy. The protesters think that Giuliani was aware that firefighters who responded to the World Trade Center attack were carrying defective radios and did not hear the order to evacuate.
"He didn't prepare us before, during, or after," says Riches.
Giuliani has campaigned strongly on his leadership during the attacks on New York, claiming he is the best suited to prevent an "Islamic terrorist war against us." But the firefighters were quick to question that courage.
"Yeah, the decision he made was, which direction he was going to run," says Riches. "And he ran north, and that's all he did."
The Giuliani campaign labeled the display a misleading, partisan attack. The former mayor is also emphasizing his ability to deal with the economy, distancing himself from the 9/11 pitch.


New Member
I'd take Guiliani over any Democrat running this time around. I like the way Guiliani handled 9-11 ...

Another brain dead response from the facist party, "I like Rudy because of the way he handled 911". Duuuhhh, he fucked that up also. Ask any NYC firefighters what they think of Rudy? Idiota.


New Member
InNeedOfBuds ...

Thanks for your cogent post ... as opposed to Med's idiocy.

One thing to keep in mind; there are a lot of Hillary supporters on the NYFD as well as Guiliani supporters. Consider both sides here.

Also, if the NYFD had "defective" radios, wouldn't that come out in routine inspections? Wouldn't the rank & file complain about their "defective" radios? Shouldn't those very same fire supervisors who are now blaming Rudy for the "defective" radios be held to account for allowing those "defective" radios to be in their subordinates possession?

Just one more thing ... I don't believe I refered to Guiliani as a "hero." I only pointed out that I would vote for him over any Democrat candidate.
