Anyone else like Rudy?


Well-Known Member
yeah whatever, if your so fuckin smart with politics why aren't you a senator or somthin. go fuck yourself.

and if you guys are so smart tell me whats so bad about Guiliani huh? tell me. I wanna hear it.
There's 8 fucking pages of it. You just choose not to hear it...How about this. Tell me a couple of his stances you agree with. The only one you stated so far is that he would be lenient of MMJ and I proved to you that was false.


Well-Known Member
yeah whatever, if your so fuckin smart with politics why aren't you a senator or somthin. go fuck yourself.

and if you guys are so smart tell me whats so bad about Guiliani huh? tell me. I wanna hear it.
wow hey ill tell you what you gotta step out of the america fuck yeah bubble, maybe do a little travling and talk to people hell wherever you go theyll speak english anyway . heres the facts its not communism its not conspiracy theorists, ask your self where does a conspiracy theory come from and why is it bad, because it speaks out agaisnt the boss? maybe the "other" news readers your "communists" are people that look beyond the image posted
dont be the american that ive found in other countries people hate, or be ready to hear this we are not the greatest country on earth


Well-Known Member
how bout u try reading this thread, not one person gives any valid statement about how guiliani is bad, i just see alot of people talkin shit to me or boasting about how more educated than i they are, or telling me to read news papers outside of the country and blah blah blah. not one fuckin reason why guiliani is bad.

and i dont follow this shit much, i just know i like his stance on the war, i like what he did for new yorks economy, yada yada. pretty much its not that i like him, its that i dont like anyone else besides him.

Obama's a fuck
hillary's not bad... but i dunno if i like her stance on the war, she makes it unclear also were she stands and plans to do with it.
ron paul is just fuckin, dumb. and i really believe you guys only like him cause he'll legalize pot, but he's talkin about stopping the whole war on drugs in general, which is crazy, what let cocaine and heroin flood in here? puhhhleeeze. and like i said pulling all the troops?????
Mccain dont have a chance
edwards dont have a chance
and huckabee is fuckin dumb too.

but yeah whatever, i read your other posts Medicine man, and my suspicion was right, you sit on here all day, in this forum specificly, and post stupid bull shit you find on the internet all day. and you got that iblazethekush fag and the otherguy backing you up in all your posts. you losers have fun now, i will leave the politics section alone, dont have time to hang with you waste of lifes. BTW, you really need to stfu with your Anti-American bull shit, cause if i heard u sayin that shit in the bar, i'd beat the fuck outta you. if you dont like this country leave, plain and simple, dont sit around dogging on it, disrespecting all the people who died for you to have the life that you do, just so you can sit around and trash the country that has been good to you. maybe in a next life you can be born in africa or a poor russian village, and fuckin wish everyday to be in this great fuckin country.


Well-Known Member
why dont you prove to me that you know what your talkin about, tell me why guiliani is bad, come on lets hear it, then let's hear about who you like, and why. come on smart guy, you guys all keep tellin me how im wrong, prove it.


Well-Known Member
with your stupid fuckin Young Jeezy quote in your signatue, fuckin fag. can't believe i'm even wasteing time argueing with a stupid gangster wanna be white kid who's probally 15


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like anybody else likes Giuliani. That is, if you're paying attention to the primaries.

Rudy's claim to fame is the fact that he was there on the street when the towers came tumbling down. Some may recall that this was due to the fact that his emergency management office, sadly, was located in the WTC. Others, with an even sharper memory will remember that he was warned, in writing, against locating his emergency management office at the site of a former terrorist attack, and given suggestions for better locations.
Bad judgement or just bad luck? Rudy said he needed to be able to walk to his emergency office. I'm gonna call it bad judgement.

Do we really want to put a guy with a personal agenda, in the whitehouse, in these trying times? Seems to me that's how we got into this mess in the first place. Remember George II talking about how Saddam tried to kill his daddy? Tell me Bush didn't use 9/11 as an excuse to get a possee together and lynch Saddam. It's time for objectivity, not knee-jerk reactionism.

Ron Paul talks about keeping our noses the fuck out of where they don't belong. Imagine that. Maybe he's making too much sense.


New Member
Guiliani would make an excellent president. Unlike all the Democrats currently in the field, he has an extensive record of public service crowned by a position as mayor of a city whos economy dwarfs many countries. What more could you ask for? A 2 term Illinois, 1 term US Senator attorney, a 1 term US Senator trial lawyer, or a 2 term Senator who happens to be the wife of a former President.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like anybody else likes Giuliani. That is, if you're paying attention to the primaries.

Rudy's claim to fame is the fact that he was there on the street when the towers came tumbling down. Some may recall that this was due to the fact that his emergency management office, sadly, was located in the WTC. Others, with an even sharper memory will remember that he was warned, in writing, against locating his emergency management office at the site of a former terrorist attack, and given suggestions for better locations.
Bad judgement or just bad luck? Rudy said he needed to be able to walk to his emergency office. I'm gonna call it bad judgement.

Do we really want to put a guy with a personal agenda, in the whitehouse, in these trying times? Seems to me that's how we got into this mess in the first place. Remember George II talking about how Saddam tried to kill his daddy? Tell me Bush didn't use 9/11 as an excuse to get a possee together and lynch Saddam. It's time for objectivity, not knee-jerk reactionism.

Ron Paul talks about keeping our noses the fuck out of where they don't belong. Imagine that. Maybe he's making too much sense.
see this is were i think people get blind sided, because people tell a story a diffrent way, and leave certain stuff out.

of course sadaam was tryin to kill Bush Sr. Sadaam was going to invade Kuwait, and we came and set up shop in kuwait, sayin gotta get threw us first, so yeah Sadaam was pissed, i bet sadaam tried to kill bush, but thats not the only reason Jr went there, first off, we shoulda been doing what were doing now back when we first went there, but we pulled out for some reason. I meen like i said earlier, you just gotta stop looking at the bull shit in the news, and just look at the situation, sadaam was sitting on one of the biggest oil supply's in the world, he was'nt useing it for his people, he was useing it for his own greed, he was a dictator. someone had to go dethrown him, and it just so happend to be us. its not like we just carpet bombed the whole place, we took the oil yes, but were gonna make iraq a better iraq.

and for the Ron Paul guy, this country wouldnt be were it is today if we just tucked tail and minded our own business, this country would be shit. you cannot run a country like that, you just cant. Yes world peace sounds great, John Lennons songs sound really good too.

but you also gotta look at what would happen if we did pull outta the middle east, It'd be hell over there, these radical islamists would start takeing over shit, it'd be like a fuckin Northern Africa(or south whichever is all fuckin fucked up). were a country willing to step in and help those people out, even though yes, we do have somthing in it for us also. but aint nothin free in this world.


New Member
see this is were i think people get blind sided, because people tell a story a diffrent way, and leave certain stuff out.

of course sadaam was tryin to kill Bush Sr. Sadaam was going to invade Kuwait, and we came and set up shop in kuwait, sayin gotta get threw us first, so yeah Sadaam was pissed, i bet sadaam tried to kill bush, but thats not the only reason Jr went there, first off, we shoulda been doing what were doing now back when we first went there, but we pulled out for some reason. I meen like i said earlier, you just gotta stop looking at the bull shit in the news, and just look at the situation, sadaam was sitting on one of the biggest oil supply's in the world, he was'nt useing it for his people, he was useing it for his own greed, he was a dictator. someone had to go dethrown him, and it just so happend to be us. its not like we just carpet bombed the whole place, we took the oil yes, but were gonna make iraq a better iraq.

and for the Ron Paul guy, this country wouldnt be were it is today if we just tucked tail and minded our own business, this country would be shit. you cannot run a country like that, you just cant. Yes world peace sounds great, John Lennons songs sound really good too.

but you also gotta look at what would happen if we did pull outta the middle east, It'd be hell over there, these radical islamists would start takeing over shit, it'd be like a fuckin Northern Africa(or south whichever is all fuckin fucked up). were a country willing to step in and help those people out, even though yes, we do have somthing in it for us also. but aint nothin free in this world.
Yatta-Yatta-Yatta, I've seen some ignorant fucks on this site, but ,dubbuh, you win the prize. Meet me in the bar and kick my ass, eh, I'll bet. You'd run for cover if you got one look at me. You forgot one letter in your screen name, a -B-, as in dumbuh, or more commonly spelled, Dumbo. I'll even wager you have a hard time getting your IQ into double digits. But don't worry your little head, I gave up drinking in bars a long time ago so you won't have to worry about me walking in and breaking my foot off up in your ass,~LOL~.


New Member
Yatta-Yatta-Yatta, I've seen some ignorant fucks on this site, but ,dubbuh, you win the prize. Meet me in the bar and kick my ass, eh, I'll bet. You'd run for cover if you got one look at me. You forgot one letter in your screen name, a -B-, as in dumbuh, or more commonly spelled, Dumbo. I'll even wager you have a hard time getting your IQ into double digits. But don't worry your little head, I gave up drinking in bars a long time ago so you won't have to worry about me walking in and breaking my foot off up in your ass,~LOL~.
Wow....what a dazzling display of utter ignorance. Having a little problem with your spelling med? Or was it your wit that failed you again? A -B-? Dumbuh? Dumbo? hahahahahahahah:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


New Member
I'd take Guiliani over any Democrat running this time around. I like the way Guiliani handled 9-11 ... he stepped up to the plate when needed there, contrary to the Mayor of New Orleans (a Democrat), or the Governor of Lousiana, (another freakin' Democrat) after Katrina. I also like the way Guiliani reduced crime in NY. Because of his zero tolerance policies toward crime, he (and his staff) took the shit-hole that NY was and turned it into a much safer city. On the negative side ... Guiliani is a government man and ridged when it comes to medical MJ. He's not been faithful to his wives and that's a moral failing as far as I'm concerned. Again, I would vote for Guiliani over any Democrat ... but I don't think he's going to get the Republican nomination. I believe Romney will be the one. And I believe Romney will be the next president as well. For you Democrat lovers ... Hillary will self-distruct in her quest to destroy Obama. That leaves Obama to reveal himself as an empty suit. As for Ron Paul ... he talks a straight liberty line. Unfortunatly, the average American wouldn't know liberty if it hit them in the balls.



New Member
Wow....what a dazzling display of utter ignorance. Having a little problem with your spelling med? Or was it your wit that failed you again? A -B-? Dumbuh? Dumbo? hahahahahahahah:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
I certainly don't need any wit to put that dorkwad in his place or you either for that matter. I should have mentioned that you tied for second place in the dumbass category, happy motoring, Idiota.


New Member
I certainly don't need any wit to put that dorkwad in his place or you either for that matter. I should have mentioned that you tied for second place in the dumbass category, happy motoring, Idiota.
Tied for second!!! Are you kidding me!!! Whoa, wait a second. If your counting is as "good" as your spelling, I could actually be in first. You do know that it goes 1...2...3, don't you?


New Member
Yatta-Yatta-Yatta, I've seen some ignorant fucks on this site, but ,dubbuh, you win the prize. Meet me in the bar and kick my ass, eh, I'll bet. You'd run for cover if you got one look at me. You forgot one letter in your screen name, a -B-, as in dumbuh, or more commonly spelled, Dumbo. I'll even wager you have a hard time getting your IQ into double digits. But don't worry your little head, I gave up drinking in bars a long time ago so you won't have to worry about me walking in and breaking my foot off up in your ass,~LOL~.
Hey ... I've met you. Why would he run for cover? Ya look like Mister Peepers, fer cryin' out loud. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Dude... The govt, has too much power. The president doesn't even matter... the members of congress have a "president" as a scape-goat. They make all the decisions... even though the president has the power to change things... he will be advised on what to do by other people. Vote RON PAUL! DOES FREEDOM STILL EXIST?