Be careful digging them holes. My old ass got up early one morning last year and dug 4 holes in clay soil, full of rocks. Without stretching of course. Was so excited I forgot. Pulled a muscle in my neck. Shit is still hurting. Sore throat and all. After numerous trips to the Doctor and Ent, not knowing wtf was wrong with me, turns out it was the digging that did me in. Somehow I forgot I was over 40. Felt like I was going to die. Ill all the time. Hard to drive a car, couldnt ride my motorcle because it hurt to wear a helmet, etc... Worst thing, is I couldnt eat peanut Brittle because of the sore throat. Ha. If it wasnt for

, I wouldnt of made it.

. Its just now getting better. Thank goodness. Again. stretch b4 you start digging. Especially if its hard clay. Dont be a dumbass like I was.